A practicing JW is having some doubts about the Borg.
He, and his wife are parents of a severly retarded son, whom they treat with much love.
They take him to some meetings & endure much heartache, as he cannot sit still for long.
He constantly drools & sometimes throws fits, he is strong and they need help in restraining him at times.
They believe that Jehovah God will restore him to health, and if they just hang on long enough the New System will be here.
Would you tell them the TRUTH about the JW LIE, or let them live in a FOOLS PARADISE?
What would you do?
by moman 9 Replies latest jw friends
I would send them something in the mail. I have sent many books of "A Jehovahs Witness Finds the Truth" to many- & they have come out. It can be gotten on Randy Watters site
You suggest I drop a long range smart-bomb on them?
We know the Borg is a scam, but its their only hope, you want me to shatter it?
Maybe its better to let "sleeping dogs (or) dubs lay". -
I think there has to be some way to tell them. They are suffering now by taking the kids to the meetings where he expected to sit perfectly still and not make noise, which is difficult for any child and should not be expected. This is harmful to the kid and to them, let them enjoy the child.....
With a JW, try something small. With people it is always something diffrent. Try to be suttle about it. JW's never resond very well to a bold open threat. And that is how they would view it, if you told them
Would you tell them the TRUTH about the JW LIE, or let them live in a FOOLS PARADISE?
The truth can never be hurt by a lie,
but a lie can be exposed by the truth. -
Hey Moman,you can try to talk to them.Some people have so many problems and the dubs are their only support system.Sometimes its best to leave people where they are.When their ready they will see the bullshit for what it is...OUTLAW
It would depend on what their doubts were about. If they were becoming discouraged because they realized the JWs were not as loving toward them and/or their son as disciples of Jesus are supposed to be, then maybe I would talk to them about finding some special day-programs (non-JW related) where properly trained and qualified people can offer them a supportive relationship toward their son.
I would do this in a subtle way, and offer to go along with them, or perhaps even give them a break now and then to take the boy. They must be having caregiver burnout BIG time, so I would encourage them to have some "couple time" that's not JW related, and also to meet other parents who have children with challenges similar to their son's. It's very eye-opening and refreshing to spend time with people who have walked a mile in your own shoes, compared to JWs who have no clue about what you're going through and really don't give a damn or don't have the time or inclination to develop a friendship with you because they "don't want you to drag them down spiritually".
I'd be careful with the "JWs are their only hope" mentality, and not even mention it, until it was an issue raised by them. It won't take long for the parents to realize that "worldly" people can offer them a sense of camraderie, unconditional acceptance and a way of facing reality without being too "in your face" about the JW religion.
The anonymous mailer - even if it includes CTRussell's quotes about "imbeciles and infants" not being worthy of God's blessings - would have to wait until they were seriously considering leaving the JWs for their lack of love and understanding and support for the family's situation. No matter what they do in their situation, they can't win. The JWs are probably horrified by the boy's presence at meetings and can't stomach the thought of having him out in service (bad advertising), and so the parents' service time is suffering which makes them "poor quality" JWs anyway, and not worthy of association outside of the meetings.
As much as I hate the idea of shattering the couple's "only hope for their son", the reality is that JWs are giving them a false hope. I think most of us felt hugely disappointed when we realized the reality, that the hope held out by JWs was merely the big carrot on the stick being held out to us so that we'd work hard at selling WT literature and comply with the rules that were being imposed on us, even though we may have thought of the JWs as the "only hope" we had too. Once we get comfortable with reality, we move on to better things.
Love, Scully
I believe sometimes you must be cruel to be kind---
When a DR cuts you up to remove the tumor it hurts....
Tell them something- leave the rest to God. ( sorry any atheists) -
refiners fire
This thread jogs a memory.
A few years ago I was attending meetings of a nutty pentecostal splinter group.There were two old people there who had a son about 40.The son was desperately schizophrenic.
Course, the parents wouldnt allow the use of medication because they believed the young man "had a demon', which the congregation (only 20 people or so)used to wrestle with, praying and "casting out', every weekend.The man got no rest.
I felt so goddamn bad about that mans plight. They just made him sicker and sicker. -
Should you let cocaine addicts continue taking cocaine?
These parents might be lonely and without hope after finding out the real Truth, but at least they'll be in reality.
Fairytales are no substitute for hard logic.
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age