For those still attending meetings: Here's a comment you can make on this week's "Bible Highlights"

by sir82 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    This week the assigned reading is Lamentation chapters 3-5.

    Here's what the NWT says at Lam. 4:13,14:

    13 Because of the sins of her prophets, the errors of her priests,
    There were in the midst of her those pouring out the blood of righteous ones.

    14 They have wandered about as blind in the streets. They have become polluted with blood,
    So that none are able to touch their garments.

    Comment: Here we see the reason for Jehovah's punishment on Jerusalem: The priests and the prophets, the anointed ones in Jehovah's organization, were bloodguilty. Instead of protecting Jehovah's flock, they were more concerned with their own position and glory.

    Likewise today, some of those in positions of oversight have put their own position and glory ahead of protecting the flock. But we can be sure that just as Jehovah used whatever means were necessary to punish the priests in Jeremiah's day, he will also use whatever means necessary to punish those who abuse their authority and cause the flock of Jehovah to suffer today.

    "Let the reader use discernment"

  • LostGeneration
  • 00DAD

    Nice, but most R&F won't get it.

    Even the elders probably won't get it.

  • AwareBeing

    Once my wife and I started reading the Bible in this way, there was no way of closing our eyes!

    We cycled through the Theocratic Ministry School's weekly Bible assignment,

    and in all the congregations that we were part of; commenting was hand picked.

    The perspective of these comments are warped towards an elder's cult following,

    a pioneer goddess status and the standard GB worship. It was all too gross to bear!

    By the time we got through the whole Bible, we were totally convinced that

    the GB, local elders and congregations were not "speaking truth to one another."

    We want "the truth!"... not the false worship of men. So we faded from their sight.

    Now we're happy and undisturbed by these manipulative, abusive and hypocritical leaders.

  • Soldier77

    If you made that comment, I'm sure you would get pulled aside after the meeting and get a talking to about toning down your accusatory remarks.

    However, I would absolutely print this out and make that comment if I were still attending. I like it!

  • sir82
    I'm sure you would get pulled aside after the meeting and get a talking to about toning down your accusatory remarks.

    OK, let's change this:

    Likewise today, some of those in positions of oversight have put their own position and glory ahead of protecting the flock.

    to this:

    Likewise today, some of those in positions of oversight may put their own position and glory ahead of protecting the flock.

    That makes it nice and hypothetical. If someone chooses to intepret this hypothetical statement as applying to the modern day governing body, hey, that's not what I said.

  • AwareBeing

    That little word change makes the statement sound like something a CO might say

    in a congo. that has a recently deleted elder or two and the R&F are not okay with it!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    That's hella cool and I'm gonna steal it, well that is if I can't weasel out of going to the meat-ing tomorrow.

    I mean hell, if I gotta be there anyway why not screw with 'em a little bit?

    So thanks.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Nice, but most R&F won't get it.

    Even the elders probably won't get it.

    And if they did "get it", they'd have your A$$ in the backroom PDQ!


  • Cacky

    Disillusioned: I fyou do that, let us know what happens!

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