I was in there earlier today to read up on their child abuse policy but it doesn't seem to be working now.
I need to print their policy off as I'm thinking of speaking to my parents about it
by not bitter 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I was in there earlier today to read up on their child abuse policy but it doesn't seem to be working now.
I need to print their policy off as I'm thinking of speaking to my parents about it
Just tried. Can't get on it. Wonder why? Maintainence?
Didn't I read that the WTS is going to combine wt.org and jw-media.org into www.jw.org?
Also it could be the number of messages and/or hits might have flooded it and it went down. (I'm not the technical)
BTW some jws have had the letter read in the congregation about the WT-CD being put on jw.org
Maybe they're quickly changing their policy
I can get in just fine.
Breaking news! The JWs.....have nothing to say about the Conti case.
Perhaps hackers have taken it down?
sir82 u funny!
I can't get through either. I think their site is being flooded with people from all over the world. I guess between JW opposers to actual JW's themselves.
It will be interesting to see what story they spin this time. But I sure love the point Ceadars made in his vid regarding donations going to settle these cases.
I used a website checker, down only for me, and both www.watchtower.org and www.jw-media.org are not just down for me.
Can't get on them with IE9 nor Firefox.
Maybe this whole Internet thing finally pushed them over the edge and they smashed the servers.
Rub a Dub
I have just tried but cannot connect; I was on there earlier today to see if any comment about the case and it was OK then.
All the sites are to be merged into jw.org but this has been postponed from June to September.
Interesting comment about the WT-CD going to be put on jw.org. I wonder if we will need to register to be able to download it? Maybe password from COBE??
PS jw.org is working fine
PPS The online research tool is up and running! It's called online library and is just below the magazines.