The WTS is like a little rotten brat that has had it's way for many years now. Yes, it's SHOCKING when you've gotten away with your old play book, only to find out the way the law really works when tested to full measure.
The Conti case proves how the law views the WTS handling of pedophiles, as well as Jury, and Jugde.
We were right, the ones you call opposers. What were we opposing? Your mis handling of thousand, upon thousands, upon thousands of innocent children that now has had their lives runined by you. Yes, you. You the corporation, the one worried about your own selves $$$, not the flock, not Gods name. If you were really worried about a God, a real God that you claim to believe in, you wouldn't have went to such vile lenghts to protect the corporation. Their are many ways child sex abuse can be handled within. But you insist on an "unscriptual" method what was a "suggestion" on handling congregations by only "one" of the Apostles. And that "suggestion" was for "Adults", not children who are being sexaully damaged behind closed doors. These children cry out for justice and you ignored them, their own people ignored them.
This has proven to me for a long time, you don't even believe in your own theology. If you really did, you would have been worried about what a real God thinks about you and your methods while careing for his people and his name.
You have brought this upon yourselves. Not us.