Is Caleb a maskot??

by angel.face 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • angel.face

    Aug 1, 2012 Public copy WT, pages 24-25 feature a make-belief boy named, Caleb, who writes a letter to his sick friend.

    I recall in the introduction of the video (that is being released at this year's convention) it is said that this vid is just a sampling of what they have been working on.

    Seeing this 'Caleb' character in the magazine made me wonder if the WT is trying to produce a mascot for children of JWs.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    No, he’s just the “perfect” little example all the poor witless children will be forced to try and live up to, but can't.

    This way the parents and congregation can look down their noses and say, "you're nothing like good little Caleb."

    It’s just JW guilt motivation at it’s finest.

  • james_woods

    BTW - isn't Caleb a highly weird name for a kid living in 2012?

    Right up there with "Judah Ben" Schroeder IMHO.

  • Chariklo

    Round here JW's do give their children names like that, names that sound as if they're straight out of the seventeenth century.

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