Response to the notion that 'apostates like to pick at JHVH's organization'

by sd-7 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    I was just thinking of something I read recently, a thread about the district convention talk, that mentioned how 'apostates' are always picking at 'the organization'. I just had a thought about that.

    Pick up any copy of The Watchtower or Awake! or any other publication the Watchtower Society publishes, and more than likely, in every single one of them, there will be several statements made against all other Christian religions, all religions in general, or the scientific community so far as it conflicts with Jehovah's Witnesses' doctrines. They often quote from other religions' publications or scientific journals in the process. But the common theme is emphasizing their superiority over all other religions, contrasting themselves and their beliefs with the 'false' beliefs of everyone on the outside. The Russian government has recognized this as a recurring pattern and as part of the reason the Society's literature was labeled as 'extremist' in that country. Even if that label weren't deserved, at the very least, such literature would come across as anti-Christendom, anti-most-other-religions, and anti-science-so-far-as-it's-not-WTS-approved.

    So the question is, how is this not 'picking at' everybody else?

    The bottom line with this is, Jehovah's Witnesses just don't like it when they get a taste of their own medicine. They reveal their insecurities when they cry persecution if someone points out their very real faults, contradictions, falsehoods, abusive speech, and missteps. Rarely do they consider the possibility that constructive criticism might be worth listening to and acting on. It's easier to plug up the ears and pretend that the organization can do no wrong than it is to be willing to make meaningful adjustments that might actually help people and not merely adjustments that help minimize legal liability, give more power to the Governing Body (or at least make them seem all-important to the divine purpose), or create yet another conveniently non-specific timetable for when the end will arrive.

    An organization that claims its members are 'in the truth' ought to be a lot more open to facing all forms of truth, especially the uncomfortable ones, wouldn't you think?


  • LongHairGal


    I agree with your post. The JW religion does certainly pick at and criticizes all other religions but yet hypocritically feels they should be above such criticism. They don't like when the veil of mystery or the smoke and mirrors is removed and they are subject to clinical scrutiny under a microscope which they so rightly deserve.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and, for starters, any religion that sets itself above all others and makes "divine" claims had better be prepared to answer many questions. It they don't like it, that's too bad!

    But when this, or any religion, has policies that are damaging to anybody, then the criticism should come on like gangbusters! It is long overdue in my opinion.

  • wasblind

    " Persecution comes because Jehovah's witnesses put his commands ahead of those of any earthly rulers"_____Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 207

    Question: what scripture supports not abidding in Ceasars law. in this case, child abuse laws ???

    The Catholic church paid out millions for child abuse / The WTS to pay out millions for child abuse

    Question: which religion is bein' persecuted based on the commands of Jesus ????? Niether

    According to Caesar, they broke the law on child abuse

  • sd-7

    Right. Excellent points. Back to the top, in the desperate-but-vain hope that someone else will comment. 'And the hope [that someone else will post on this thread] does not lead to disappointment.' Wow, see how easy that is? That's new light right there!


  • snowbird

    Your hope is not in vain.

    You are so right in your assessment of the insecurity of the Watchtower organization.

    Anyone, anyone, who cannot take what he, she, or it dishes out is a lot of potatoes short of a bushel.

    Turnabout is completely fair play; this is elementary, something we should have learned at our mother's knee.

    I fear the Watchtower will never learn this, thereby proving it worthlessness at leadership.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    SD7 - I believe you may be referencing my thread 'Thought Reform and the Psychology of the "Safeguard Your Heart" 2012 Convention available here.

    It was the part "Avoid Testing God in Your Heart" where the idea of apostates "picking at" the organization was mentioned.

    It's that pesky cognitive dissonance setting in again!

    How could I align my life, personality, beliefs and hopes with an organization capable of evil? Of course! It's those damned apostates picking at us!

  • bennyk

    " The CatholicChurchoccupiesaverysignificantpositionintheworldandclaimstobethewayofsalvationforhundredsofmillionsofpeople.Anyorganizationthatassumesthatpositionshouldbewillingtosubmittoscrutinyandcriticism. " (Awake! 1984 8/22 p.28)

    "Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism."

    Except the Watch Tower Society, of course.

    Even when they invite you to do so:

    "Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a “prophet” of God. It is another thing to prove it. The only way that this can be done is to review the record. What does it show?" ( w72 4/1 p. 197)

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    We should all know by now that it's perfectly normal for them to pick at things but o ok for anyone else to do it.

    I bet if you asked the GB about real truth they'd say, "No, no real truth here, who told you that? We're not interested in real truth, we no speaka truthanese."

  • sd-7

    Breakfast of champions--thanks, I apologize for not just posting a link. Evidently, I became presumptuous and self-serving...


  • jamiebowers

    That's because the Watch Tower doesn't give a damn about truth. All the organization is interested in is money from the publications and kingdom and assembly halls, (all based upon the donation arrangement, don't ya know?). In order to get that money, the gb has to have control, and they'll spout any lie necessary to achieve it.

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