So the evil slave was fined, and there was justice, but really was there any justice? When was the last time you saw a helper for a crime be fined money? Why is it that those maggots at the wb&ts who have cause such pain and death be allowed to walk away with a 26m fine and frozen assets? They should all be locked in jail, they are the ones responsible for the environment of a pedo free zone, they are the ones who cover up the facts and dont report pedophiles and sex offenders. I have read and seen this cults dark side, I experience every day the mind control many go through every day, and we can give an opinion on the future about the society, we can do the christian thing and just warn others, but I think we should aim for the root. They deserve a lot more than a big fine or a loss, they deserve life in prison, they deserve the death penalty. As in law, ignorance and accidents are not excuses for punishment. JW's can call this what ever they want but when Jehovah becomes phantasm because of Gods choosen religion decayde, they will snap out of it.
Candace Conti, not satisfied with the outcome
by Joey Jo-Jo 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I imagine there would need to be a class action lawsuit to get what you, me, and people like ourselves are looking for.
The Watchtower has a billion in assets. Get a clever lawyer like that Simons guy. Have him represent any Witnesses who reported their abuse to the Elders but did not already take the Society to court for it. If they did, chances are they settled, so they'd be legally ineligible for it.
There are hundreds, if not thousands who fit the eligible description. So many songs of sorrow unheard.
Take those victims, couple them with the precedent of Doe v. Watchtower, and sue those bastards for $1 BILLION
Why does this thread say that Candice Conti is not satisfied? Should it say "I am not" instead? Inquiring minds and all that.
We need a fresher case. Statute of limitations. I am thinking about obstruction. Possibly some Rico statutes. :)
This is a poorly titled thread. The title gave me the impression that Candace has a problem with the outcome before I clicked on it and discovered this was just your reaction.