I Started the Complaint Process to the New York Times

by Band on the Run 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was bitterly disappointed that the Times only ran a dinky AP article rather than a NYT staff reporting article. The difference is night and day. AP articles appear to be cobbled together press releases with no context or history from a neutral source. The religious reporter is supposed to return my phone call. If she does not return the call or I am not satisfied with their policy, I will knock it up to an editor.

    I can see that this does not involve the mammoth RC Church. Still, I don't think the Witnesses are a fringe group any longer in terms of membership.

    As I stated to her, the inclusion of only a few more items would have made the article sufficient. No one is asking for a magazine piece. (though that would be nice).

  • okage

    When you look at the numbers they boast, it's very apparent how dangerous this situation can be.

    They have over 7 million baptized who are groomed to support any actions and decisions by their leadership. 7 million who, unless they establish otherwise individually, are willing to die, let others needlessly die, give up all possessions, and destroy their family/friend connections, ALL in the name of the Governing Body.

    If given an army of 7 million potential kamikaze pilots, I imagine any handful of people can bring the world to its knees. The danger isn't world domination obviously, but something worse. Over 7 million people who are groomed to believe pedophelia is acceptable by a fellow Witness. 7 million people who are willing to blame the victim, even with knowledge that the Society has a policy to hide and protect sex offenders.

    Trying to find a solid number of how many Kingdom Halls there are, most estimates fall around 100,000. Given the Watchtower's registry of 27,000+ known sex offenders, that means there are at least 1 or 2 sex offenders in every four Halls. During Assemblies, there could be nearly four dozen, depending on the region.

    Let the Times know that these Witnesses stand by the Governing Body by citing the AP articles with a Comments Section.

  • wannabefree

    Over 7 million people who are groomed to believe pedophelia is acceptable by a fellow Witness.

    Statements like this aren't true and only make you just as guilty as Watch Tower for making fallacious arguments.

    (and by "guilty" I of course am only referring to the use of fallacy, which Watch Tower has down to a science)

  • coffee_black

    You go girl!


  • okage

    @wannabefree I get what you are saying. Especially in the context you presented. I feel that, in my presented context of "unless they establish otherwise individually," it isn't a fallacy.

    The Society has published and testified in a court of law that individual thinking is unacceptable to the Christian mind. The Society itself tangibly established that "unless they establish otherwise individually," the Witness is expected to share the same views and beliefs as every other Witness under the law of the Governing Body.

    In the context I originally presented, I feel the message is as accurate as it gets. I'm acknowledging the prospect of individuality, but at the same time, recognizing that the majority rules in all unestablished instances.

    I will go so far as to apologise to any who came to the same understanding as yourself, as it shows I could have worded my original post to convey the intended message.

  • Balaamsass

    Way to go Band on the Run! I have been emailing local papers who did not run the story- other than the AP blurb. The SF Chron. did an OK job. The Philly paper tied it into the Catholic church case. Give em a local hook.....No NEW REAL ESTATE SALES IN BROOKLYN for now ! Tie it in to the upcomming Sandusxky case- News papers love an angle.



    Kick some ass!!..


    As of now..

    WBT$ 1 billion dollars worth of properties in NY are frozen..

    Until this case is settled..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • Qcmbr

    Is there a facebook group about this? Seems like it would be good if anyone searching for 'Jehovah's Witnesses' on facebook should be greeted with this group as an option. As long as it was simply an information page for the ongoing trial findings rather than an open group then I can imagine people woul dclick in to see what the news is?

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