I have the email addresses of friends and family with whom I'd like to share the information out there on the Candice Conti case and other WT revelations that you never hear about while on the inside. I don't use the addresses I have for this because I don't want to cause a further rift between myself and what's left of my lifes social and family network. I don't want them to leave the organization, I just want them to know what's going on behind the scenes so that they know exactly what they are basing their whole life around.
I have often wondered if any on here have ever exchanged email address with one another so that information such as the Conti case can be sent sort of anonymously to our "still in" Witness friends and family. Most JW's won't hear about this case or find out about much of the hidden information one finds regarding the background of the society on the Internet. If an email came from me to one of my family members about this, they'd take offense and possibly shun me further. If it came from someone else, they'd get the information but it wouldn't make a difference to the anonymous sender if their address was 'blocked'. I've thought about opening a fake email account for this purpose but I'm not sure if they'd be able to trace it back to me.
Has anyone ever done an email exchange like this? If so how effective was it?