email Blitz

by exwhyzee 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • exwhyzee

    I have the email addresses of friends and family with whom I'd like to share the information out there on the Candice Conti case and other WT revelations that you never hear about while on the inside. I don't use the addresses I have for this because I don't want to cause a further rift between myself and what's left of my lifes social and family network. I don't want them to leave the organization, I just want them to know what's going on behind the scenes so that they know exactly what they are basing their whole life around.

    I have often wondered if any on here have ever exchanged email address with one another so that information such as the Conti case can be sent sort of anonymously to our "still in" Witness friends and family. Most JW's won't hear about this case or find out about much of the hidden information one finds regarding the background of the society on the Internet. If an email came from me to one of my family members about this, they'd take offense and possibly shun me further. If it came from someone else, they'd get the information but it wouldn't make a difference to the anonymous sender if their address was 'blocked'. I've thought about opening a fake email account for this purpose but I'm not sure if they'd be able to trace it back to me.

    Has anyone ever done an email exchange like this? If so how effective was it?

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi exwhyzee, Have you thought about creating an anonymous email account to send informational emails to your JW family and friends, like I wrote about in the thread

    I have been thinking about sending the following email to JWs, who I know, and maybe GB members from my anonymous email account.

    Draft email

    Subject: Has the Apocalypse Started?

    Have you seen all the guilty verdicts in the news lately about pedophile lawsuits? Have you read the following news reports?

    What is this World coming to if a Catholic priest didn't commit child abuse but was found guilty of protecting other pedophile priests and endangering children? Will bishops, cardinals, and the Pope be next? Will elders, CO's, DO's, and the GB be convicted of child endangerment also for following a policy of secrecy to not tell JWs about pedophiles in KHs?

    Has the Apocalypse (i.e., Greek for "lifting of the veil") started?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • 00DAD

    I'm in!

  • Balaamsass

    Unless your family are internet nerds, just open a new google or yahoo account with the nick name and a few numbers of your favorite self righteous pharasee, Elder, Apostate hunter, Circuit or District overseer and send out Cedars excellent You Tube, some clippings, and threads. - Title it "Important news that may come up in service this week"- Please Share and Forward"

    VOLA! It goes viral...and your favorite self righteous A!#!# hold gets all the credit. THAT WILL PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE AND SAVE SOME LIVES ( and childrens innocence)...make sure you turn in time for it.

  • Kahlua

    I wrote an email to my brother this morning expressing my concern that as an elder now he might get caught up in some of these cases. You guys have provided some excellent links to the actual California court documents which I used. Directed him specifically to the depositions of the two elders and the letter from them to the WTS and WTS's reply. I also quoted from his secret Elders manual, citing specific page and paragraph.

    First I sent it to my daughter (not a JW) to review and get her thoughts on whether I should send it to him or not. I'm waiting for her response.

    A couple days ago I forwarded my JW sister the video cedars did. I sent is as a forward to deflect some of the 'kill the messenger'. I didn't hear from her for a couple days so I called her about something else. She was friendly but didn't mention it.

  • Balaamsass

    Just a reminder- YOU CAN EASILY SET UP A PHONEY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT, and from that account you can EMAIL ANYONE ANYWHERE, and ATTACH FAVORITE THREADS, Documents, talks, Etc. It will be better if once again you use the photo of your favorite Governing Body member, Pharasee, mean self righteous elder, C.O., or D.O. You can post "Ecouraging" experiences. Court cases, and J.W. news. :smile:. Be sure to "Friend" ALL the JWs you know and send them private FB emails with Videos, and Sparlock songs- be sure you preface each email with a question...Did you send this to me?- Have you run into this in field service? so they will open it. Just set up the account with your Alternate email account, and a temporary pre-paid cell phone. Who wouldn't respond to a "friend request" by the local C.O. or Prominent Pharasee? If some don't see the humor in this (and flurry of phone calls, raised eyebrows, and elders meetings with brother pharasee) Think of it as "Theocratic Strategy" in "a life and child-saving work"!- ( be sure to turn in time spent on your time slips) Lol!!

    Reminder- You tube attaches great, cut and paste, just not PDFs. You will need to "save" those as JPGs and re-attach.- have fun

  • snare&racket

    Just put something non JW in the title and don't refer to the religion itself...

    E.g. Make up a "is the bible relevant in 2012" campaign and highlight several religions but INCLUDE info on the watchtower soc amongst it. This way you will catch their interest without scaring them off.

  • exwhyzee

    Thanks A.B.S. you are streets ahead of me on this. This is sounding more and more do able, but I have to say, I am also feeling more and more like the image of the evil apostate we've all heard about just by just thinking about doing this. Then I realize that I would only be delivering information that they should know about and not be prevented from seeimg, like I was. As I said before, I don't have a problem with someone being a JW so long as they are free to look into the background of their religion from an outside source with out being punished.

    It seems pretty likely that most of us on here know JW's all over the country or the world that could easily be "informed" via a simple link sent to them in an email. I can only imagine what the result would be if all former JW's sent links to their "still in" JW friends and family.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi exwhyzee, It is very do-able. If your JW relatives and friends use spam filtering with their email software you may be able to get around the spam filters by forwarding them an email that you receive. If you want, PM me and I will send you an email that you can forward to your JW family and friends. Just make sure that you BCC everyone on your email so that no one will know that you sent it to everyone.

    Too bad more ex-JWs don't love their JW family and friends enough to send them an informative email.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    What's your hurry?

    If the WT gets off the hook, like they did in Australia, you are the one that gets egg on your face.

    Just let them start something, then bring it up. They will probably have heard it from their own by then, so you aren't the messenger to be shot.


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