I was listening to my wife on the phone with another sister out of state, and she later told me that the conversation i overheard had to do with a sister who believing she was Annointed, and having some psychological problems left home, went to Brooklyn where most of the "annointed" are supposedly. Seeing as how she left without telling hubby, it caused a stir, authorities were notified. When she showed up at brookly, im willing to bet that raised a few eyebrows. Its a shame that the unique bulloney beliefs of the borg has caused some (sister of course) to suffer harm even if it may only be psychological. I feel for people like her and others who are and have sacrificed thier lives on the WTBTS borg altar.
Odd happening
by buffalosrfree 3 Replies latest jw friends
That made me wonder... supposedly most of the annointed would be in their 80's+ and yet I knew many who partook of the emblems in their early30's to 50's. All of them were a little 'kooky'..
One was a sister no one got along with, in her mid 40's. She fought with many and was not very kind.
One was mid 50's, told me that I should leave my worldly husband, that I would never see my father again since he died a df'd person, and when I told her I didnt appreciate her pushing her personal views on me, she never spoke to me again. Ever.
A young sister who was about 38 who was friends with the above sister, recently told everyone she is annointed. I even asked her how did she know? She replied, "Tera fera, could you explain to a man how it feels to be a woman?' I said, 'ummm, well in some ways, but I guess not totally.' She said, 'yes, that explains how i feel. I cannot explain it to you, since you dont have the heavenly hope.'I felt kinda dumb after that.
How many people are going to keep finding out they're 'annointed'?? I agree many of them seem to be missing a few cards from the deck. -
I wonder if the changes supposedly brought about by 'born again' experiences of pentles (pentacostalists are also undescribable. ??
I know this is serious, but my GOD are the JWs getting nuttier and nuttier.
I know of a sister that left her husband after some treatment from a lesbian pschologist
I seen fleshly brothers committ adultry with their bros. wife leave them and the family, and then run away with another sister whose husband was worldly.
Really, things a just screwry. Nothing I have said is Unique, it happens in all religions but god JWs seem to do the damnest things in the name of God.
Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams