Kingdom ministry school letter August 23, 2010 page#2 "BRAZEN CONDUCT"
by Kojack57 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals
You will note in chapter 5, paragraph 9, of the shepherding textbook that a change in terminology is being introduced. A new term, "Brazen conduct" will be used in addition to "loose conduct", or in some cases instead of "loose conduct".
This new term has been Chosen by the Governing body because it more accurately conveys the thought of the original Greek word that is translated "loose conduct" in the New world translation.
I see a rewrite injecting this word in the NWT.
Gawd, all the time they devote to punative thinking and etching out what you can and cannot do could be better spent on encouraging forgiveness, charity and love.
They are just creepy and depressing. Glad I am out.
So true about punitive thinking, Kudra.
What happened to love looks for the good?