hello everyone. i have commented a few times so i figure ill introduce myself. sorry if this is under the wrong topic, i dont as i dont participate in any other forums. i have lurked for a while. better to keep quiet unless you have something enlightening to say. i dont follow that rule. id like to just say my humor and sarcasm is weird and i can be easily misunderstood. so please bear with me if i seem crass or disagreeable. having said that i do like to be just dumb under the annonymity of the net. i say the first thing that come to my mind sometimes. i am a born in. dunked at 15. for acceptance(jws are cool). and when i found this site i was still on the fence and going to school. some early posts were in defense of the corp but i now DETEST any organised religion. as a born in i know this place is legit because i have read many stories that only a dub would have experienced and it is always good for a laugh. ex. my mom couldnt believe i knew about the new songbook before it was out. her expression was priceless when i dropped a few of your suggestions... knockin on heavens door, ramble on (about jehovah).LOL so im gonna hang if its cool and if i offend i apologize in advance
by dingo1 9 Replies latest jw friends
Witness My Fury
Welcome. Lurking is good. Posting is good too...but I'm firmly in the "less is more" camp myself on that score.
Raking up 1000s of posts in a short time doesnt impress me as it's either mostly drivel or a platform for public masturbation, look at me look at me i'm so fucking clever, Jesus loves me, I cant string a comprehendible sentence together but i'll post it anyways etc etc.
But please dont let that put you off, let it rip.
thanks for the welcome man. im tarded but ill let it rip. speaking of letting it rip, i squeaked a KILLER out this morning and had my head under the covers. the shock waves didnt wake me but the smell snapped me out of R.E.M. i didnt have to shave this morning and my zits were gone. whooooo, wait, what were we talking about?
Witness My Fury
LOL, check in the mirror again you may have lost your eyebrows as well...
Welcome . . .
We're all pretty weird here . . . you'll fit right in.
Hey dingo1!
What makes this place special is the variety, and no ruling religious clergy class in control. In fact only minimal control by mods when there is a real problem.
Some are here just for the humour. And needs change over time.
Pitch in and have fun...
Hopefully you continue to enjoy your stay and make some good friends along the way.
Welcome :)
You will fit in well here dingo, we are all a littly dingy! Welcome.
Welcome. Taking Sizemik's comment a bit further.....we're all damaged.....some more than others by the cult known as teh Watchtower Society
Welcome! It was sounding like you are a breath of fresh air until you told that fart story, LOL!