so my situation is still salvagable. and maybe a few of you are in the same boat. is it shady/ dishonest / taking advantage of believers, let me clairify. lik kissing your parents ass. do the ends justify the means. if i put on a front and JEWHOVAH i mmean my brainwashed parents hook me up ffor justifying my actions with the excuse that god put it sound reasoning into my mind. if i play with the same SUPERSTITIONS nand get what i want am i a dick for using other peoples reasoning? feeling like an asshole for using others ignorance.
playing the game
by dingo1 6 Replies latest jw experiences
You probably need to be a little more specific on what you are going through.
If you are lying to maintain some shred of a relationship with your parents, I get that and wouldn't have a problem with it.
If you are taking advantage of your parents in some way, then I'm not so sure.
But in the end, itsacult we are dealing with, so I see no reason to play by their rules.
Black Sheep
If you play fair with JWs, the Governing Body wins
true lost, but the real point in general, is it scum to get my ends on others ignorance...and you answered my question, if they mind funk me, fuk u it is huntin season. thanks but im still a bit principaled. i hate taking advantage knowing i have more education.
I think I know what you're talking about. Perhaps it's like when I was a fundie Christian, other fundies would give me preferential treatment once they knew I was a fellow believer. It's like nepotism or cronyism. I noticed a while back on the JWTalk website that a poster said she would give what she called a "kingdom discount" at her business to fellow JW's.
I imagine plenty of people attempt to remain on good terms with the religious group they were born into, or got suckered into, just to maintain the benefits of being in the group, regardless of whether or not they believe it anymore. I haven't decided whether it's right or wrong to do this. This might sound awful, and perhaps there's a better answer, but I would be tempted to say f**k em, they're insane and will shun me anyway if I'm honest with them. The group is so manipulative (i.e. they will take advantage of a person's good will, politeness, trust, honesty, etc.), that rules of fair play go out the window. The whole thing really is a mind f**k.
edit: Under normal circumstances, I think a person should just be honest, but in the Jehovah's Witnesses, you get punished for your honesty.
intrested one ... exactly
On the other hand, by remaining in the group and showing up, etc. you are adding one more to their numbers. I would like to see people just not go and let the group dwindle away.