It was back in the 50's when I was corrected about using the term 'bulletin' board at our Kingdom Hall.
I was told that it was improper because it was akin to the Roman Catholic Church and their 'Papal Bulls'...therefore BULLetin board.
With Rutherford's hated of all things Catholic, I'm guessing he is the one who put that spin on the term.
Smoldering Wick, thanks for your very informative post. By now transferring this concept to 'electronic bulletin boards' they continue to try and reinforce this RCC spin and the evil of the Papal Bulls connection, IMO.
Interesting though, don't you think, that so very many of their members ignore their specific advice and instead seek out such bulletin boards.
Evidenced by the fact that we have several active posters currently using this forum to defend and post their JW mindset.
Before I made this post, I typed 'papal bulls' into a search engine, and then scanned the results. It was of note to me that the term 'apostate' showed up with frequency.
And, it is also noteworthy to view the RCC hierachy: Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Deacons, laymen, etc. and the parallel structure of the Watchtower's own FDS, DO's, CO's, Elder's, Pioneers, R&F, etc.