Let's assume that there are about 20 ,000,000 armageddon survivors (baptised JW's and their children), After just 30 years every survivor will be sexually mature and with increased vigour and health. Chemical contraception, condoms, I.U.D's etc will all be long gone so any married couple with a normal sex-drive will be producing children at an average rate of about 1 per year. World Population at the beginning of the 20th century was less than 1.5 billion. Today it is over 6 billion. That's how fast an imperfect, contraception minded, abortion riddled human society breeds in a single century. Now add into the equation that in the Watchtowers New World the death rate will be ZERO! Also - it has been estimated that over the past 6000 years 6,000,000,000 have died. If the bulk of these 'righteous and unrighteous' are to be resurrected, then presumably they will start having children too! I'm no statistician but I would imagine that within a century or so the Earth would be groaning under the strain of a population many times larger than we see at present, perhaps 20-30 billion?! I'm not really leading up to a question just wondering out loud . . .
New World Population BOOM!
by nicolaou 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Reading the Bible without Watchtower aids, I get the impression from Isaiah 65 that even good people will still die at 100, and that the resurrection of the good, (including the afore mentioned from Isaiah), and the unrighteous, all get ressurected at the end of the 1000 years, not at the beggining. Backing this point is that the last enemy to be destroyed during Christs 1000 year reign is death, again backing my thoughts that people will still die.
Maybe the ones living in Jersualem who can drink the living waters from Eziekiels third temple wont die during this time?
Rob Crompton
As I recall from many years ago, the belief was that Armageddon survivors would repopulate the earth and that human child-bearing would cease when there was just enough room left to accommodate those to be resurrected. I remember the JW marriage service in which the vows contained, after, "...until parted by death," the additional, "...or until divine termination of the marital arrangement." Basically you reach the point where you are a tip-top perfect, healthy and fit permanent twentyfive-year-old and from then on it's no more nookie. That's paradise, folks. Life's too wonderful to pass on to the next generation - let's keep it to ourselves.
Some things just don't add up do they nicolaou? There have always been nagging doubts and thinking questions I would ask growing up and all I ever got was, we don't know yet, but the "new scrolls" that will be opened in the new system will tell us. Yeah, right.
Hey, soldier. Hubby is looking forward to paradise and MORE STUDY. They have enthused from the platform that paradise will be more of the same. I imagine the expensive WT printing presses will not be put to waste, but will continue to crank out their publications. Power generation would have to be manual, of course, and perhaps the Lions can be tamed as beasts of burden. To transport the life-giving work throughout the world.
That's not my definition of paradise. It brings to mind that Other Place.
Nicolau and Rob Crompton, I've gone through the same mental exercise and come to the same conclusion. We see this in our natural world, as well. As longevity is assured in a peaceful society, parents stop having so many children.
Jehovah will simultaneously shrink every human on the planet to be just 3 inches tall.
Thus, plenty of room and food for everyone!
Next question, oh ye of little faith?
Hi jgnat, I've always asked those questions, every painting the WTBTS portrays shows a nice house in the country side, orchards, lions etc. Right? Okay lets break it down and this is what I asked when I was like 10 years old or thereabouts...
Who milled all that lumber? Who made the large saw blades to run the saws? How is power being generated to run these machines? Did they deliver all that building material by horse? What about all the water needed to keep a large orchard alive? Who's making the pipes to feed the water system?
That's just the basics....
If you believe the bible and God's purpose to fill the earth and subdue it, well, then WTBTS needs to rethink their portrayals. Because that doesn't sound very subduing.
Oh and they say there is enough land so that everyone can have an acre? How are we going to survey the land and keep records? Paper? Who makes the paper? Computers? See where I'm going with this? LOL!
Oh, yea, Soldier 77. The one that gets me is the glass pitcher of lemonade, glass cups, ice cubes, and straws.
JUST THINK of all the interconnected industry needed to produce a straw.
- Paper and wax for the straw materials (assuming the petroleum/plastic industry is OVER).
- Coiling machine to make the darn thing.
- Machine shop to make the coiling machine.
- Steel smelter to make the machine shop.
Oh you guys! Jehoober is going to magically miraculously provide all these things with the wave of his sparkly wand gargantuan hand.
bats in the belfry
Exactly. The medical term for the procedure is: Master J vasectomy / tubal ligation