- The new cool catch phrase from the 2012 drama is....... B.S.C.C !!!! That's Bible School for Christian Couples. A great way to acrue street cred like a missionary or pioneer, while at the same time paying for all the expenses yourself! What a clever way to increase circulation of literature by unpaid volunteers! Invent a new title, while at the same time distancing your corporation from any legal liabilities! The following is a re-enactment of conversations that could possibly occur:
Brother Righteous: Well hello Timmy, are you considering a career path once you graduate from high school?
Timmy: Yes Brother, I was prayerfully considering a career in the janitorial, or food service industries.
Brother Righteous: Thats good... so you have considered how fine it would be to work full time for an employer so you can foot the bill while distributing literature for the society. What fine goals!! I normally would give you the " bloom of youth speech " here and remind you to stay single, but young Sister Juggs Mc Donk is so fly that she will surely be molested if someone doesn't lay claim to that soon.
Timmy: Geeze Brother Righteous.. What can I do? I am just an aspiring Janitor with no income or means to provide for a family. Plus I have never even seen boobies, except for my mom's.... and sister's, just once though....
Brother Righteous: Don't worry young Timmy, I have the solution! The B.S.C.C !!!
Timmy: BSCC?!?!
Brother Righteous: BSCC.
Timmy BSCC???
Brother Righteous: BSCC. Its quite simple really. Just continue living with your parents while attending meetings and going in service. Make sure you get at least 10hrs a month, that's critical. Make sure you repeat every answer word for word at the Watchtower Study for now. Once you gain some notariety in the Congregation, adopt a slight air of arrogance. Clean the bathrooms as well, as this will help in your mopping form for work and secure your place in the Paradise. Pretty soon, the C.o will come around and you will make Ministerial Servant. Then I will take you out for the traditional after meeting dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. We will conveniently invite Sister Mc Donk. I'll be your wingman and mention BSCC. The rest will handle itself. She will be fawning over you within the year my young apprentice, Of that, I have no doubt!
Timmy: Really!? Jeepers, to be with fine young Sister Mc Donk just for mentioning BSCC, it's a dream come true! Thanks Brother Righteous!
Brother Righteous: No problem Timmy, my pleasure. Tell your sister high for me okay!? ( Wink)