This is something I am conflicted about.
Since leaving the JW religion, I have generally thought there are many JWs I should leave alone. If they are happy in the religion, I reasoned, why try to force a change in their beliefs, particularly among those older JWs who have spent so long serving the WTS? Certainly, I'd be willing to help any JW who clearly didn't seem to fit the religion, or couldn't live up to its rules, but there are some JWs who I think would be happier in than they would be without it.
Otoh, I have been thinking recently, that these JWs by their presence in the religion, are providing the power to the Society that allows them to damage/ruin so many other JWs lives, so perhaps it doesn't matter what one JWs personal situation is, perhaps I should be trying to 'free' everyone I can in an attempt to contribute to the Society's eventual downfall.
What are your opinions on this?