I can't tell you how nice it is to have this forum to read, write and meet others that have been through the "ringer" so to speak.
I was living in England in 1995 when the first "tingle happened" upon reading the WT and the Generations Kwap (in Elmer Fud accent so I dont give my identity away)
But because of a terrible family situation and at the time looking down the road of being a single parent...I basically put it out of my mind and I "Soldiered on" so to speak.
Then that ill fated DC of a few years ago spurred me to think..."overlaping generations" hmmmmmm lets give that some consideration.
After doing my homework, finding out about the UN involvement, Silent Lambs (I did know about) Blood Fractions (oh yeah) Reading Ray Franz Book, listenting to NO COLLEGE for the last time and then finding out how the $$$ collection REALLY works for Circuit Assemblies, and what they did to the JW's in Spain when they pulled up and moved out, plus the issues that seem to always be "redirected" I was really peeved. But I then decided I could not be associated any longer and needed to refrain from going to meetings as my blood pressure was getting way to high (I am in good health - thats a figure of speach) So..I faded succesfully. NO issues NO Fouls.
Now with the Candace Conti news in the forfront, I am proud NOT to say I am a JW and would never be able to hold my head up high due to their stance on harming families and especially children, legal documents prove those points easily (thanks to all for posting)
So I dont go, I am happier :o) <------- my happy face
Cedars, BTW, thanks for posting the 9 Reasons, and your last post on "makeweight" was MOST excellent! Blondie, you make me laugh and giggle at some of your posts, but they are THE BEST, too! The rest that I have had the privledge of PM's - thanks!
Happily I have found some good NEW friends and I am very pleased with the progress I have made over the last 2 years.
So if any of you need any help from me, just drop me a note back, I am sure to do what I can.
All the best on a happy 4th! lets eat outside tomorrow