What did your parent do that really embarrassed you while you were in school?
I think the thing I always hated is when my parents had to preach to my teachers.
In grade 6 we were going to watch Jamanji but needed consent form because the film was PG13+ and we were 12. My mum sent me to school with a huge letter about spritism. I was the only one out of about 45 kids who had to sit out.
The next was having to give letters to the teachers right through high school explaining I was away on Friday due to a circuit assembly of Jehovah's witnesses.
And I also remember during birthdays, my mum gave the teacher a snack so I wouldn't eat the cake. The teacher would almost announce it. I guess my parents were trying to be nice but it drew more attention to me. She kept the chocolate bar in her desk draw and everytime someone saw her open it they knew that was my non birthday bar. LOL. A constant reminder.
Oh and one more was when my parents had a fight with the teacher because the teacher insisted the camp was essential to my learning but my parents refused to let me go. Note to teachers: it makes us feel 10 times worse when you do this.