This apparently is not a new story, but it is one about which I have just received an email.
Thanks to the unscriptural and odious teaching that blood fractions are "a matter of conscience", our brothers and sisters can be advised by the HLC that even blood fractions from COWS are ok!!!
So it's OK to accept the lovely steering wheel from a stolen Ferrari, but not the car itself? "The heart is more treacherous"........etc. etc.
Didn't Jehovah direct that blood had to be poured out on the ground? I don't remember reading anything about saving bits of it that might be useful for something.
I really fear for brothers & sisters who can't reason from the Scriptures for themselves, but are happy to have their ears tickled by others.
I suppose that's one of the reasons that we've been warned that the GB does not sanction any meetings of Witnesses outwith their oversight.