For those of you who do not believe in capital punishment...

by SixofNine 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    That is, for those of you who actually think that executing children is wrong, what types of discipline do you find more effective?

    I'm not a parent but when dealing with kids, I've seen that solitary confinements tend to make kids feel isolated and can really hurt them. If they're near others and are checked up on frequently, it seems ok. But when they're completely ignored, that is just bad. I hate that.

    Beating down and talking with them eye-to-eye sometimes seems to help.

    Yelling doesn't ever work, but if they bite you and you say very clearly OW THAT HURTS, GUARD! loudly, even yelling, it gets their attention, but not if you yell a lot at other times.

    Just my limited experience. :)

    If anyone comments on here about how effective a hit on kids can be, etc etc, you will be posting OFF TOPIC.

  • snowbird


    Praise them when they least expect it.

    Works like a charm.

  • mrsjones5

    LoL, omg!

    A mommies stare and speaking low tends to work too. I tend to get the deer caught in headlights reaction.

    Then soon after I get my hugs and kisses.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Oh hahaha. *rolls eyes*

    Yelling for the guard never works. It just makes them feel tougher. Then they think they can do ANYTHING they want, even steal your keys and try to escape.

  • JeffT

    Something over twenty years ago when he was about twelve our oldest slammed the door to his bedroom one time too many. The result was a lesson in how easy it is to take a door off the hinges. He got it back about a week later. His younger siblings never slammed their doors.

  • jamiebowers

    Do you mean corporal punishment? I don't know many people willing to perform capital punishment on their kids.

  • mrsjones5

    He's being facetious.

  • SixofNine

    Or is he? :raises one eyebrow:

  • botchtowersociety

    I send mine to sit alone in the bathroom and stew for a while.

  • Irreverent

    I don't have any children, however; in my role as a school crossing guard I have been forced to deal with the little ones. I am not allowed to touch any of the them, and I cannot use duct tape or a taser either. I have found that a calm voice and showing approval or dissaproval towards their actions seems to work well. We like to receive praise and we feel bad when we realize that we have let someone down.

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