If you know some possible candidates, tell me about them including their names. Thanks!
Who do you think will be on the Governing Body in the future?
by Iamallcool 7 Replies latest jw friends
No Apologies
I am hoping to make it onto the GB as a write-in candidate. :)
No Apologies
I wish it mattered. I am certain it will be some combination of compliant followers and authoritarian masters. Still no women.
I am convinced that organizations that rigidly exclude women from executive roles are doomed.
I vote for Farkel !
That would make for interesting Wednesday GB Meetings !
dog is god
I vote for Rue Paul!
Baptized male jw
purpports to be anointed and has partaken for 20 years
Preferably a CO or DO or Branch Overseer
Personally known to the current GB; many worked as "helpers" to the GB
Candidates are brought into the Bethel system to be observed as to fitness
-------------It is hard for me to name names since just being an older jw male at Bethel does not equal "anointed"
The last GB members fell into the above categories
If I fail to become Greece's prime minister and there is a vacant place in the spimGB I will consider applying for it.