Recently, Baltar447 posted a copy of this AWAKE article: g9110/8pp.4-6TheSecretWoundsofChildAbuse in this thread:
Third subheading down it says:
Proverbs 22:6 says: “Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it.” Clearly, parental influence can last a lifetime. What, though, if a child is trained to believe that she is powerless to prevent sexual intrusion? Trained to perform perversions in exchange for “love”? Trained to view herself as worthless and dirty? Could not that lead to a lifetime of destructive behavior? Not that childhood abuse excuses later inappropriate adult conduct, but it can helpexplain why abuse victims may tend to act or feel a certain way.
They use Proverbs 22:6 to drive home the point that as a person grows old, he/she will not turn away from the way he was trained as a child.
They ask, "What if a child is trained to believe he/she is powerless to prevent sexual intrusion, perform sexual perversions, view herself as worthless?"
Then they state that this childhood training is no excuse for turning out the way they turn out.