I'll bet it's getting up their folks?With the wonderful modern tool known as the INTERNET,anyone can easily read endless information about the witchytowers secret society,and learn of all of their lies and corruptions!Ya mon!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank God in heaven,for waiting until man made this high tech. computer net work,to give us all the ability to chat and research sxxt like this wacky cult,and get the hell out of it,and trade information that exposes all of their dirty rotten evil tactics,all the way back to where it all began,Charles Taze Russel,,,,,the idiot of idiots!
What is the number or % of young people leaving the cult?
by witchtowerwitch 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Open mind
63% leave per Pew Research.
Wonder how much of the 37% who remain are conscious class.....
Thinking back to the early-mid 2000s, I can think of 15 (approx) young ones off the top of my head that were around 13-18 y.o. Most of them are out of the cult now...of course a few are still there, one is an unemployed, uneducated MS...& another very sweet & kind girl (who I knew when she was a baby! yikes I'm old) is still there. She's a people pleaser, and would probably never leave. So yeah, I think the figure above (63%) is pretty close to my quick math and best recolection. In my congo's case more like 75% are outta there...some in college, 1 or two losers...some working and some I have no idea. about 5 of them were baptized really young...as far as I can see, non of those are being shunned by still active J-Dub parents, even though they are living a "worldly" (i.e. normal) life style.
I am interested in seeing how many young ones get dunked tomorrow at the DC. (yes, dammit..I have to go) ...1 day down, two more unbearable days to go. Dammit.
finally awake
So far, of the 15 young people in the hall I attended, only 5 for certain don't attend anymore. However, 6 of them are still children and may only be attending because their parents make them do so. 3 are adults now and still attend as far as I know - one was made a MS a while back. One I don't know about. He doesn't attend here anymore, neither do his parents, but they may be going to a different hall. They live right between two halls and technically should attend the one I went to, but they often went to the other one instead.
The Mrs and I LOVE to check out those Pew numbers for ourselves. Just spend an evening looking up your peers children and grandchildren on facebook. Check relationships...and Religion- an amazing number of Buddists!! Must be the "be nice don't hit" credo- such a change after being raised a JW.
I'm reflecting back on the EldersMS/RegPio kids:
15 families
50 children
22 active (very strong incl Elders/MS to reg attendees)
2 fence straddlers
26 inactive to DFd/DAd
So, close to 50% retention, but fails to consider cases where the entire family is out.
this is something i've been thinking about recently. in my hometown, i count about 20 that are now in their early 20s. of that 20, i was 1 of 3 guys that regular pioneered, and 1 of 4 that became an ms. the rest went to college/university or went to straight to work. 2 have been disfellowshipped and one is inactive. imo, most do nothing with the religion and attend meetings just for family, though they do not fully leave it.
i also notice something unique with jw youths. lots don't do anything. i know one guy just stayed home with his parents playing video games all day, didnt work or do anything else. my brother is like this too, hes a jw but sits at home playing video games all day long, works once every few days. now, lots of gen y (those born 1983 to 2000) kind of fall into this category due to various reasons (college degree/high school diploma but no job/crappy job and still living with parents into mid to late 20s) but it really seems to stand out with jw gen y'ers. in fact, i can name five jw kids (guys and girls) that simply lived at home with their parents doing nothing. now most of them got a job or are going to college, but theres still a few i know that are just turning 20 that only work part time and aren't going to college or doing anything else.
it will be very interesting once most of them get jobs in their fields/independence, because then i really see them leaving jws altogether.