Israel spy on the US

by Norm 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    Israeli Spy Ring Uncovered in U.S.
    28/02/02 - Intelligence Online has managed to establish that a huge Israeli spy ring operating in the United States was rolled up by the Justice Department's counter-espionage service."

    Read about it on:


  • Imbue

    Thanks for the verification. However, all countries spy on each other even when they are so called 'friends'. I'm sure Norway has spies too.

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • Fredhall

    Norway!!! LOL...............

  • Celtic

    Power and the control of power is employed to keep the strategic advantage over would be competitors. This has been carrying on for thousands of years, for example, the spies that went to spy out the promised land. It is a method of keeping your options open, for the one with the most knowledge has the most options, therefore, the most advantaged situation in times of unsettlement, transformation, takeover or otherwise. I wouldn't worry your head overly much about this as unless you understand all the issues at play in their entirety, your mind will become bogged down in conspiracy theory upon conspiracy, others like yourself making wild gesticulations as to the exact truth, is a sure fire winner in sending you towards paranoia. How much knowledge do you personally think rationally you can handle, place into real time perspective?

    Remember this adage:

    FEAR =

    F alse
    E vidence
    A ppearing
    R eal

    Remember this always!!



  • Imbue

    Fred, Yes, Norway must have spies too! All that oil they have to protect But, only for the next 20 years or so I hear they're running out. I Could be wrong

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • TR

    I KNEW it! NUKE 'EM!


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • ashitaka

    Can we drop daisy bombs on them first,(before we nuke them) oh please oh please oh please!!!

    I love fireballs and such.


  • Norm

    According to the French newspaper Le Monde, there were more than 120 Israeli spies arrested and expelled. The paper also said that they most likely knew about what was going to happen on Sept. 11, but they didn't tell the US. That make sense because Israel has had many advantages from that incident and still has.

    It is really weird to hear Israelies talk about terrorism. If someone occupied Texas and the people there resisted the occupation, would they be terrorists?


  • Naeblis

    Depends on if Texas attacked their country first and unprovoked with the help of 4 other states. Hmm?

  • Imbue
    It is really weird to hear Israelies talk about terrorism. If someone occupied Texas and the people there resisted the occupation, would they be terrorists?

    If your real question is: Who are terrorists?
    Then the answer is the US government is the greatest terrorist at present. Is that what you want acknowledged?

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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