Ex-dubs you would rather not know

by Mindchild 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    Once upon a time, in a place not so far away, there lived a frog. This frog wasn’t your typical run of the mill frog though, but was a former JW frog, now disfellowshiped for not croaking the right way.

    The frog was managing to get by day to day but eventually heard of a community of other ex-JW individuals on the other side of a river. The frog began to think of how nice it would be to enjoy the company of like souls again, and decides to head over to the river.

    While the frog was calculating where to enter the water a scorpion happened to come by. The frog started to move away upon seeing the scorpion but the scorpion cried out “Please Mr. Frog, I need your assistance.” The frog replied, “I’m not interested in helping you as you are a scorpion and hanging around scorpions is not smart.”

    “Well that sounds pretty silly” the scorpion said. “You see I have a need to get to the other side of this river to go to the ex-dub community on the other side and I would like to climb on your back to make it to the other side safely.”

    “You are a former J.W.” asked the frog?

    “Yes, of course, and there are many of us,” replied the scorpion.

    “But if you climbed on my back, you would surely sting me, and I would die,” replied the frog.

    “But I would die too,” said the scorpion “because I would drown,” the scorpion added in the way of explanation.

    Well the frog thinks about this for a moment and after a moment or two tells the scorpion to climb on his back and in a few moments they are crossing the river. Suddenly, right in the middle of the river, the frog feels a terrible pain on his back and cries out: “You stung me! Why did you do that, now we are both going to die?”

    The scorpion answers, “Because that is my true nature.”

    Is your true nature that of the frog or scorpion? Have you wised up to the fact that just because someone is an ex-dub doesn’t mean they are good company or someone you would even want to know? Unless you were sleeping under a rock since you’ve been here, you should know that there are a few people here in this online community that would probably set off all kinds of alarm bells for any “sane and normal” person.

    How do you define who is a scorpion in this online world? Please don’t do any name calling…just point out what types of people you think it would be dangerous to associate with…or are there any?


  • ashitaka

    Very cool dude! Are you Homer (of the Iliad, not of the Simpsons)?


  • VioletAnai

    Put me down as a froggy and anyone I've ever helped, assisted, let cry on my shoulder...they're scorpions....stab me in the back the second they get a chance. Fortunately, I've not known too many of these types as I now know the signs of an arsehole.

    Some people are users...users of you time, emotions, ideas, beliefs, flexibility, kindness, patience, wealth. These people demand your attention and by any means they get it. Insults rule the roost with this lot. Oh and subtle, suck up remarks, to lull you into a false sense of security, you just know there's a nasty bite coming.

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

  • SixofNine
    How do you define who is a scorpion in this online world?

    Shall I cut and paste?

  • TR

    mmmmmm.....frog legs..........


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Mindchild

    SixofNine...I wasn't looking to start another flame war as there is a doozy of one going now. I do think though that your personal observation of what makes someone undesireable to associate with could be of help.

    VioletAnai, are you talking about ex-dubs here or people in general? If it was ex-dubs, how did you get suckered in?

    Ashitaka, no Homer's in my family line.


  • Beck_Melbourne


    Yes you are quite right....and if I were the theocratic ministry school overseer I would mark you 'good' for your illustration.

    There are indeed scorpions and frogs...and you soon learn to read between the lines in your own effort to sift the scorpions from frogs. I guess we can all read into your illustration in different ways...but from where I sit...I have drawn my own conclusions as to who are froglike and who are scorpionlike....it is not difficult to recognise sincerity on here...just as it is not difficult to recognise maliciousness also.

    I think the most undesirable company on this forum invites the most undesirable comments from readers/posters. Rudeness always invites a retaliation of rudeness. Personal attacks occur for different reasons...in some cases it is in the manner of defence...or to prove a point. The worst type of scorpionlike personal attacks occur when the scorpion is enticing a retaliation...not to prove a point...but because the scorpion wants some negative attention. An unprovoked attack is when a true scorpion shows their true colours!!

    Just my thoughts.


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