Of course none of you are going to believe this is the cause of all the sudden activity on the board tonight, but regardless I'm going to post it anyway. As having done research work into the effects of geomagnetic pulsations on the human brain in motivational research (as well as many other scientists) I know that whenever there is a rapid increase in the solar wind speed, it is a strong indication of world wide geomagnetic activity happening. What happens in turn is that your brain, the outer layers or cerebral cortex, becomes more easily stimulated. It is a somewhat of a similar effect of drinking a mild stimulant.
Here is the evidence of it happening today:
Check the number of posts/reads on this board in the last day compared with earlier this week to see what I mean. By the way, the top graphic is the most relevant one. There will be a few more days of active geomagnetic pulsations and then things should settle down a bit. Right now people are quite mentally active and can be easily upset, as per the infamous flame war currently under way.
Kind Regards,