Animal are so superior to "WT elders"
by TheFadingAlbatros 6 Replies latest jw experiences
Animals are a gift from God. They allow us to see God in depth and in all His Ingenuity and HIs Superiority. Men especially "WT elders" are unable to compete with animals to let us understand all the glory of the Allmighty God -
These are not just mere words but I can prove it. I go to sleep now. Have a good night and take care !!! -
I would agree in that nature gives witness to a source infinitely more wondrous than any person, book or religion can even begin to express. If we would all spend LESS time in our mind's second-hand beliefs and concepts, and more time being silent within nature, the world would be a better place. IMHO. -
Superior, particularly the Albatross family. flying around the world, once airborne and hardly beating their long wings. Dynamic and soaring. In wt we used to have asses now we have donkeys, at least in the grey sword. ? -
As a former elder i find your need to specify them as particularly dumb to be curious. I am very fond of earths fauna and am facinated to no end with it, in all its attendant forms and do agree there much to be learned from it but i do not see how it is particularly or specifically more instructive to the middle managers of small american based cult than to anyone else. Perhaps you could elaborate on that aspect....? -
All too true. Cats are especially open to psychic problems--and they tend to do poorly in situations where stagnation predominates. I remember having one for a while, at age 11. We got a cat in August of that year, as a kitten. The cat seemed to settle in nicely, until somewhat later in the year. Around February of that year, that cat seemed unhappy all the time.
Concurrent with that, our fun seemed to be getting taken away. My parents were bent on forcing us to eat "food" we didn't like--up to now, not an issue. All fun foods were deleted, particularly if they had sugar. Breakfasts, up to now consisting of pancakes, French toast, eggs, oatmeal, or Wheatena on a rotating basis, started getting phased into more boring routines. They touted carob as a chocolate substitute, but it tasted more like cardboard. We ended up with some boring glop (carob that is ground up, probably with soy protein) most mornings.
All the while this is going on, our recreation wimped out. Until March, most of these trips had at least some potential for fun. After March 2, most of these trips were replaced with a trip to an old person that lived in a trailer WITH NOTHING EVEN REMOTELY RESEMBLING FUN. You sit there, listening to adults discussing their business (not sexually explicit). While this was not quite as bad as a boasting session, I am sure that we would have had to attend church had this gone long enough.
Money matters went south, too. While the chore list did not pay that well, it was at least a way to add a little to our allowance. Past January, this was deleted and we had to do the chores as they came up without pay. The base allowance would be lost if we didn't have our bed made and the room cleaned up by noon Sunday, and we would have to pay them that amount (or get a spanking) if it was still not done by 6 PM. Not to mention, we almost never got to enjoy it--shopping trips were as rare as blizzards in Texas during the middle of July. And, to make matters worse, some time around June, the dunce calling itself my father was stupid enough to feed the cat a steady diet of DOG food! "The cat will eat it if it gets hungry enough".
This went on a while after our family broke up--probably on account of this stagnation, since that happened late June of this year. The cat now had no joy, save for when I would go to the place to wait for the school bus. This despite the dingbat being laid off from work. In February, about 18 months after we got the cat, it went off into the woods (not the first time, either)--this time to get killed in a blizzard. Better that than to see the cat suffer the stagnation or the taurine deficiency (and magnesium surplus--cats cannot tolerate magnesium as well as dogs and humans).
Given this experience, I believe cats are psychically open and need relative peace and harmony, not stagnation and cheapness, in their environment. True, cats do not become attached to humans--but they dislike being in an environment that does its best to ape communism. For this reason, I would be inclined to call it abuse of the cat if it is stuck in a jokehovian home.