Angry, Afraid, Depressed, ......

by joelbear 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    We are an emotional group here. You can see the hurt in our posts about the Watchtower, our families, our screwed up lives. You can see it in how sensitive we are to each others words. How violently we react to criticism from each other. You can see it in the name calling, the screaming, the curse words.

    We are hurt.

    I pray that we may be healed in our spirits. For those of us who are atheists, I meditate on positive things that we may be healed.

    I hope I am healed in time to be grateful for the good things in my past and to be happy enough to produce more good things in my future.

    take care


  • mindfield

    You see everyone, now this is the kind of guy we need on this board. What joelbear said is easily substantiated by looking at the present flame wars we're having. I just hope some posters can read this and "heal".

    I hope you're doing better, joel. You have a very positive attitude, and that can do nothing but good. Take care!

  • flower

    I think you are right Joel.

    I think there is still so much anger and pain inside of a lot of these people that have left the society. Many people here think they are past the watchtower issues and past the anger and pain because they have been gone for so long. But I honestly think that a lot of this anger and almost hatred that I am seeing here is just anger unexpressed for years and years towards the people its really directed at. I think I'm not the only one that could use a little therapy to get through the past.

    Otherwise I cant explain why these attacks continue on and on getting more and more heated and explosive. We are supposed to be supporting each other and everyone involved knows that people who need support cant possibly get it with all that stuff going on. Its just downright scary. I would hate to think that this is the way that these people handle conflicts in their day to day lives as well. Maybe its just because they are able to hide behind the computer that makes people this way. Either way this is not a healthy way to resolve problems.


  • Gozz

    The nations are tumultuous! Are we to expect peace in the midst of those organized to oppose the anointed and their associated ones? Never. Whatever peace there is for any measure of time is temporary, and imposed by some force beyond the grasp of such ones, just as the scriptures say: there is no peace for the wicked. A sign of the times, the recent wars are a manifestation of the hurtful spirit pemeating the world, the will to tear down, and the justification of the self. These are clearly the things that have been aforesaid, they are words coming to a fulfillment. Is there any hope?

    There is. For in the midst of the torrents of hate, is present an oasis of love. Think about it! A bear making peace! Historically, this has not been so. Bears are usually violent animals, ready to devour. It should be remembered that a bear it was that tore to pieces and shreds, those haughty 42 children, who perpetrated a disrespect of the prophet, Elisha. Out of the woods, a bear, no, two, emerged to carry out this judgement. But in a reminder of the prophecy of the lion sitting with the lamd in peace, we have a bear making the peace! all lovers of what is hateful, in words can take a cue from this.

    A positive attitude is needed. Just as the last brother said, whose mind is already on the field of service. It is happifying to reflect on the good things, keeping a smile onthe face always!

  • joelbear


    Too bad that oasis of happiness and hope is just a mirage as the hundreds of people who post here can attest to.

    You can keep declaring it exists. But it doesn't.

    We are struggling in the real world to find real solutions, which is assuredly much harder work and than just pretending everything is nice nice or going to be nice nice any day now.


  • joelbear

    I wrote a post above a couple of days ago about how we were all hurt and frustrated and that's why we were being mean to each other.

    I think that is a load of crap.

    We fight because its human to fight. Always has been, always will be. We form alliances, we fight for survival. We make deals and betray each other. We beat each other down to gain the advantage.

    We are a perfect example of a group of homo sapiens. No better or worse or different than any other group. As a group, being associated with the Watchtower had negligible affect on how we deal with each other.

    A group of Jehovah's Witnesses right now anywhere would act exactly the same way if you took away the power of being ostracized for stepping out of line. They live under a state of forced peace.

    Humans are animals and will fight to the death for their survival and that of their allies. Then they will turn on their allies if they get in the way.

    I've lived a peaceable life all my 43 years and all its done is make me into a weasly loser.

    Fighting is the only way.


  • DannyBear


    Your point is well taken.

    In my life as a jw, I must have been a member of at least 10-12 different congregations from California to Georgia. Not to mention the many others visited to give talks and such.

    One striking reality about them all..full of people acting out at 'love' and 'kindness'. Never allowing themselves to really vent, or express true emotions. Just maintain the status quo.

    There is almost a palpable undercurrent of resentment and pain on the face of member, some hiding it better than others.

    In other words they are a group of people under sever repression. Is it any wonder why so many are depressed?

    Perhaps a better word for 'fighting' would be 'freedom'. All jw's secretly long for freedom, that is why they cling so desperately to the notion of 'paradise'.


  • Tallyman


    I hope you don't die this Angry, Afraid, Depressed, ......

    LOve, Tallyman

    p.s. so whassup with you joining the Watchtowercult... again?!?

  • joelbear


    I probably will. We can go down together, how bout that? Wanna trade bullets?

    love ya


  • Tallyman

    I probably will.


    We can go down together, how bout that?

    No. I plan on going up. Not down.

    Wanna trade bullets?

    I'll GIVE you a bullet, next to a question:


    WHY do you keep avoiding this question-
    SO whassup with you joining the Watchtowercult... again?!?


    'bullet' - a large dot placed in printed matter designed to call
    attention to a particular passage
    ... just in case someone out
    there didn't realize what you were talking about

    LOve, Tallyman

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