Flooding, storms, summer of rain here in the UK, worldwide weather patterns seem chaotic at the moment. Wonder if the JWs are saying it's some kind of sign of impending doom! Mind you 10 years ago on this site I was told by many here they didn't believe in global warming, I bet those members are declining.
by ballistic 8 Replies latest jw friends
I thought by now most people where aware "Global warming" was a hoax, sure the weathers messed up but whilst "Global Warming" puts the blame on us, the average taxpayer, for using our cars and using electric lights, the real perpetrators, the big business who cut down rain forests etc, can still go around ruining the planet whist making us feel guilty and paying for it!
My guess re the current British weather, is that it was caused by BPs oil spills in the Gulf and their use of chemical dispersants so they wouldnt have to clean up the mess, this has caused the Gulf stream to falter with the resultant effect on the Jet Stream.
Actual Global Warming has allways occurred, its tied in with solar cycles, the one we recently experienced has been in decline for quite a few years now, thats why its been getting colder!
OH dear, a conspiracy theorist and global warming disbeliever rolled into one! lol
You know the gulf stream is the wind not the sea right?
Gulf stream is an ocean current.
and the Watchtower org. under attack
Well he seas still warm here! lol
breakfast of champions
Gosh, it is summertime and it is HOT!
Yet another sign the End is near.
Anyway, recently, with all the flooding round here, there was a web site put up of a nearby town in flood. It was the town where I lived when I was a regular pioneer. The shots of the flooding are all taken near bridges of rivers in flood, areas close to rivers or bridges or where roads meet rivers.
Now why did I recognise every location, every bridge, in ever shot and can tell you exactly where each shot was taken?
Yes that's right, I spent my youth walking at snails pace round this town, occasionally stopping by a bridge to look, chat to my pioneer partner or maybe throw a stone in the water, and ponder on things.