Jehovah`s Witnesses are a religion of HATE . And God is a God of love

by smiddy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    Does that sound harsh ? Well lets see now ,I was a faithful slave/servant/ member /volunteer (oops cant say that ) for 33 years , and I was taught to hate all that was bad , any and everything the watchtower said was bad , including my own shortcomings and sinful tendencies of youth , to be approved by Jehovah I had to hate what was bad ,especially , false religion , not just any religion but false religion. Now while I had my ups and downs with my own imperfections ,sinfull state and desires of youth , I maintained a steadfast hatred of false religion.

    Now who were they saying was false religion , why it was the various Jewish faiths (which JW`s had a foundation on ) certainly the eastern religions ,hinduism ,shintoism ,the Islamic , definetly the African demonistic practices ,as well as the south american superstitious religions,in other words every religion other than the Jehovah`s Witnesses.

    But they have a special hatred of christendom and an even more pronounced HATRED of the Catholic religion

    In their 130+ years of publishing the Watchtower their are far more articles criticzing,challenging,denigrating the catholic religion than all other religions put together

    While they say we dont hate the person we just hate their choice of who they beleive ,it`s very hard to differenciate that line in reality

    When I was a witness I did have a hatred of other religions ,now that I am free I see a lot of good in what other faiths do to alleviate pain and suffering in their respective communities , for the homeless the destitute,the person with an addiction,all of the people Jesus was supposed to have had compassion for.Hospitals , soup kitchens , shelters etc.etc.etc.

    I don`t see any of that with the Jehovah`s Witness religion

    just HATE


  • irondork

    Yes, there is a lot of hatred inside the ranks of JW. And anger. I think the only thing that keeps it tempered is the attempt to live by bible standards, which is a good thing in itself. But you take away that standard and what you have left is unbridled anger and hatred for anyone that does not meet with their personal approval and a willingness to lash out and attack anyone with an apposing opinion.

    Jehovah's Witness (mentality) Gone Wild!


    smiddy Perhaps the fault lies with the god that Jehovah's Witnesses follow; the vengeful Hebrew desert god Jehovah, who exacts exclusive devotion. They desire to develop the same judgemental personality, and hate to be challenged. Its all in the bible. They have described Jesus as an obedient angel. The man in sandals is too nice for them to follow, so they stick with the big sky daddy.

    They do indeed hate false religion, failing to understand that all religion is false.

    May your gods go with you.

  • JWOP

    The Jehovah's Witnesses worship a god with a split personality: They teach that he is merciful, loving and kind, while at the same time teaching that he is vengeful, rigid, and inflexible.

  • mP

    God is not a god of love, "he" for lack of a better word, is pretty much anyones worst nightmare based on his personal rantings and actions inthe OT. I challenge anyone to show a single account where he is charitable or loving without some selfish or immediate rampage immediately following.

  • WTWizard

    There is more hypocrisy than anything else. They are told that they should love everyone, even their enemies--agape love (whatever that crap means). Then they are told that everything outside their religion deserves to be hated with contempt. This includes the world around them. Which makes sense if you look at that they are half Jewish (the hating the outside part) and half Christian (the loving everything part). You mix Pharisaic Judaism with Pauline Christianity, and you get that confusion between two religions that are inherently incompatible (at least when you try to practice both).

    And the hypocrisy is so blatant that people at the top bash the Cat Lick church. Then their own religion is structured almost exactly the same, they have most of the same problems, and they do the same "sins". This level of hypocrisy is typical of Pharisaic Judaism. As is the level of dishonesty that eminates from within the religion--claiming to be the purest Christians on the planet while mixing two different major platforms. Also, they claim to be the only group on the planet that properly abides by the LIE-ble, yet the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger demands that people abide by and teach their own bad teachings even if they can prove them wrong with their own LIE-ble, until the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself fixes it. If they make an even worse doctrine, they are supposed to teach the even worse one.

    I cannot vouch for that Jehovah is a god of love--however, the magnitude of the religion mixing and hypocrisy found within the witless religion combined with the toll of ruined lives is enough. If they were honest, they would simply proclaim that this is where Judaism and Christi-SCAM-ity meet. If they were seeking the truth, then why do they themselves have to fix doctrines and everyone within the religion has to teach the bad doctrines until then?

  • Tooz

    It seems as if the implied laws are more important than the written laws.

    and the next step ... the Watchtower written laws are more important than Biblical written laws ...

    1 Cor. 4:6

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i wouldn't be so sure about god being loving (of course this is hypothetical anyways, as it's pretty obvious that there's no such thing as gods and similar beings).

    having said that, that "hatred" is only a matter of competition. catholics have been very "successful" - albeit through questionable means - in the last 1000 years or so and JWs (among others) want their share too. so catholics are the comon enemy of JWs, adventists, evangelics etc. of course they can't stand each other either, so the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" line doesn't apply here.

    in the end, all religions are pretty similar. all have their good sides (while it's questionable if religion is necessary for these "good sides") and their darker sides. all of them. every single one of them. and yes, even buddhism. the problem is, people don't see that when they are brainwashed in any of those cults.

    JWism would have mainstream potential if it wasn't for the blood issue and the disfellowshipping. other than that it's just the same as catholicism, only without the swag.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Read your bible, the christian god is a god of hate, misery and war.

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