hey, am in montreal area, am catholic, and seek to discuss and learn about jehovah witness! please let me know if possible! thank you
montreal area need help
by tony1212 4 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Tony,
I'm from the west coast, so I am not able to help you locate anyone in your area. However, if you stick around you will find that there is a lot you can learn and you are welcome to ask respectful questions. You may find this approach more useful, as it will put you in contact with a great many more individuals. This board is full of all faiths and non-faiths, so I am sure you will find a view that will help you.
Hello tony1212, you've come to the right place to meet people who have had many different perspectives on the Jehovah's Witness religion and their leading organization, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. If you want to know details and hard facts of the religion with a very real and honest viewpoint, I highly recommend exploring the site jwfacts.com. If you simply just want opinions, create another thread on this site and start asking questions. And possibly someone in your area will want to meetup to talk. Welcome and enjoy.
Black Sheep
Welcome to the forum Tony.
I am wondering why a Catholic wants to know more about this failed Doomsday cult? Is a friend getting sucked in?
Hi Tony,
I'm a Montrealer also. This is a great place to inquire and learn. There is much quality information on jwfacts.com. I suggest you check that out as well.