Single Mother's Who Have Left

by dontplaceliterature 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • dontplaceliterature

    I'm sure there are some on this forum, but I'm not sure how many and who. I'm hoping to talk to a single mother who has left the organization without the support of a husband. I have a personal JW friend who is in the process of leaving the organization with her two small children and is having a tough time. I am hoping to connect her with some other women who are already on the other side and may offer her support, etc. Feel free to PM me or post in this thread. Thanks in advance.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I went in as a depressed single mum with a 16 year old a 4 year old and a baby and came out as an even more depressed single mum but 2 of my children are now grown ups and the "baby" willl be 17 next month.

    3 years on, although still battling depression the bad days are getting further and further apart and are nowhere near as severe or destructive.

    As I have only ever been single as a JW I may not be any help in advising with the transition from being dependent on some-one to coping with everything alone but those problems are not always JW related.

    If I can help in any way though I will. Life sucks in or out raising kids alone!

  • umadevi

    I was a single mom and my son was 3 when I started studying Bible with JW. I have always been independent prior to becoming a JW and I did not give up my job during my years as JW. I left last year. The only thing that i found challenging was explaining to my son why we were not JWs anymore. My advice is that it would best if your JW friend could find a stable job first before leaving.

  • freeflyingfaerie


    There is no denying that it is very challenging to be a single mother, but to remain in an unhealthy relationship with a person and/or religion won't make things better. Your friend's choice to leave is wonderful. She may find a new perspective on life, freedom of spirit, inner strength she never knew she had, really live.

    Huge for me has been letting go of fear, not letting it paralyze you or limit you. Letting it go and having, dare I say it, a little faith that things will be ok or even more than ok. Faith in others also. There are true, kind people around that I never imagined would embrace me and my little ones as they have, to the extent that they have. Sometimes it's hard to accept help and even love, wanting to not be dependent on others. Having said that, it takes a tremendous amount of hard work, sacrifice, tears, humor, create an environment for my self and little ones with a measure of peace and well-being.

    Feel free to pm me~


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