Paleo vs. Vegan - are there any folks out there?

by dreamgolfer 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • dreamgolfer

    I am thinking of going Paleolithic on my new diet (just to spurn the WTBTS that there were Cavemen)

    IF you have don the Paleo deal or are doing it...let me know the pitfalls, or the plusses,

    I can't do Vegan as I need more protein and hate what Bean and Rice do to be (teee heee)

    When you get OLD, that stuff happens accidentally


  • botchtowersociety

    Read Gary Taubes.

  • Sapphy

    I'm interested in doing paleo too. Hope some peeps have some stories!

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    Robb Wolf's site and podcast is a great source of info on this.

  • Gros Michel no more
    Gros Michel no more

    Paleo is a misnomer, most plants from that period are gone for good! Can you grow your own herbs and roots to eat? Do you have access to grassfeed beef, good fish? Corn Syrup is the reason we have the highest obesity rate in the world. Vegan does not sit well in my stomach, we need protein. how often do you exercise during a average work week? Doctor Atkins family refused to let him be cut up after his early death, people assumed his arteries were loaded with plaque. Weight Watchers is the most effective long term life style, I lost seventy five pounds close eight years ago (working in a office all day), I read every book, tried every diet pill (until they were pulled of the market). I remain at my desired weight since 2004. My blood pressure dropped from 180/100 to 115/70, prediabetes has disappeared along with my back pain. maybe paleo will work for you, I hope for the best, if you want to talk diet or exercise stuff, i am here.


    Stay away from fructose!

  • skeeter1

    I ate a Hostess Twinkie today.


  • oldlightnewshite

    Been on a kind of a Paleo diet for about a week. Already got bags more energy, and find I feel less hungry throughout the day. Every so often I treat myself to chickpeas, which isn't on the diet. Found that I actually quite like to snack on nuts and fruit.

    A carb-free diet or very low carb diet seems like a good idea. I really miss mashed spuds.

    can't wait for the new system when I can eat what I want.

  • LV101

    Gros Michel no more --- what do you think of Weight Watchers' new program, Points Plus?

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