So back in Dec. 2011 all this buried waste was discovered at Wat Farm. DEC starts an investigation. That's it!! Nothing more about it. Not even in the local newspapers. Must be another example of Watchtower damage in action. What do you think??
Wat Farm buried waste
by pontoon 4 Replies latest jw friends
Believe it or not, these kind of environmental issues can take years to settle.
My understanding is the barrels were found in 2007....
The WTS made application to the Brownfield Cleanup Program in 2010
The WTS reapplied for State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permits (6/27/2012)
Keep in mind that the wastes were put into the ground before regulations were put in place...
The WTS is footing the bill for the clean up too (at least that is what is being stated in articles)
The person who wrote the PR response at the time is a member of this forum. If anyone else knows him, maybe encourage him to tell the story. He was a long time Bethelite at the Farm.
Did anyone make an EPA complaint?