Has anyone given any thought to the fact that jw's are supposed to be a loving organization and yet they are probably the biggest gossipers around, time and time again there were talks given on not gossiping and how the tongue such a little member can cause huge bush fires, i personally know of many that were stumbled away because of gossip that was untrue, any thoughts on this guys.
Just a thought
by chezza 8 Replies latest jw friends
I'll be god-damned. JW's like to gossip?
Hell Yes!!
There were some 'doozies' in the congregation I was in. Usually the elders wives, no offense Chezzz lol. Although the elders were pretty darn good at it themselves...many a time I remember an elder dropping by to talk to the ex about this one and that one...all rather informally....but they were gossiping...no doubt about it. The pretense that it was 'elders business' was a scam and a cover up to justify gossip. And I have to admit that I was just as bad. Being a JW left very little to entertain oneself...and real life drama seemed to replace the soapies and forbidden movies we were denied.
Do you ever wonder what was said about you when you left? I wonder what was said...by whom and how twisted the story got lol.
Gossip isn't so rare. Enforced shunning, even by family members, plus denial of sound medical treatment, is.
Ah yes i forgot there was good gossip and bad gossip, the elders were only trying to help after all, yeah right, i reckon they got a big kick out hearing all the juicy stuff at their elders meetings.
You have hit on something here. Gossip is one of the main features of JW's. What do you suppose they do after meetings? Discuss the fine spiritual food just presented? Yeah, right.
Gossip and slander are rarely pursued judicially. It's just too much work! How much easier and more juicy to corner someone on accusations of immorality and such!
And... the more you gossip and slander, the more bodies you step on, the higher you seem to get in the organization! How cruel, how sad.
J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) -
Hey Chezz,
Yeah, there was always the 'in' crowd, they had their finger on the pulse.
So many in my old cong were known for their gossip mongering, and the worst of them all was an MS/Pioneer, he was atrocious.
Hey Beck, I also wonder what was said when I was shafted. I reckon their jaws were yapping overtime. -
Have you ever noticed when JW's are doing street work together. They are so ingrossed in what I suppose is gossip that sometimes they pay no attention to those around them. They are talking, laughing and having a high old time. In all fairness anyone who gets up at 8 o'clock in the morning to stand on a street corner with WT's needs a little distraction so I can't blame them. The organization is a whole little world unto itself and everybody knows someone that someone else knows and so its easy to gossip. Its actually so common that its hard to stop.
Hell yes, they love to talk about everyone, to snicker and stare....I hated it....
I wondered why my ears used to ring all the time when I was at the hall, until one day I was in a stall in the ladies room and well heard for myself what rumours where being spread about me.
The friggin' thought still pisses me the hell off.