JW Thread on James Randi's Discussion Board

by rem 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • rem

    Here is a link to a current discussion about the intellectual dishonesty of the Society in their Awake! magazine.




    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • Amazing

    Thanks Rem. James Randi is very good at debunking false reasoning and false claims. I read his book on debunking Nostra Domas ... he is very good. Thanks for the BB link to his site.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Thanx for the interesting link.

    Whats really really strange is: How come the people on that other BB all seem normal?

    The Pope

  • mommy

    LOL rem I love it Thanks...Great to see ya BTW
    I am goiing to just post these two things here in case anyone doesn't want to take the leap and read all of it over there. (well worth it if you do read it though)

    From "Awake!", Februray 22, 2002 "From our Readers:

    You said that the erosion of the [Niagara Falls] river gorge has taken place over the past 12,000 years. This would not tie in with the Bible's account of a global deluge.
    R.P., Britain

    "Awake!" responds: We simply presented the current estimates given by geologists, with no comment as to how accurate they might be. Such estimates obviously do not take into consideration the Bible's account of the Noachian Flood, which evidently took place less than 5,000 years ago. -- Matthew 24:37

    From the same issue:
    Today the unique customs and culture of the Masai are quickly disappearing. In some areas Masai can no longer roam freely with their cattle to search for new pastures....
    Today Masai communities in East Africa are being reached by the ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses.... Thus the Masai are being helped to see the difference between baseless superstitions and Bible truth.
    Well I am so grateful that JW's are able to debunk baseless superstitions. Hmmm wonder if fearing demons is still taught?

    From "Awake!" Jan. 27, 2002

    Why are zebras striped? Not for camouflage, or from evolution? No! "So, where did the zebra get it's stripes? The key to understanding this can be found in the simple statement: "The hand of Jehovah itself has done this." [Job 12:9].... The wondrous design in living things serves another purpose. It brings happiness, pleasure, and delight to the hearts of man."
    As an outsider looking in now, I can't believe I believed all this stuff.
  • Marilyn

    REM! Also loved it. Looks a good site. The one about the woman across the road offering someone a "Bible study": Are you effing mad? cracked me up! I sent the URL to hubby as he's always talking about James Randi and the Skeptics Society is it? I'm sorry to hear you got d'fed. Bummer. It's just the family thing I know - but it's very inconvenient at times. Maybe it's time for new light and they'd start talking to us again? I can't think what we'd talk about - but it would be nice to exchange pleasantries occasionally!


  • Abaddon

    Thanks for linx!!

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • dedalus

    Great thread over there! Here are my favorite quotes:

    Now, I dont mean to hijack this thread to talk about my own personal woes.. just wanted to say that I've had more experience than most with witnesses and in the end my impression is the witnesses themselves are just like any other people.. or they would be.. if their organization didn't feed them with what seems to me to be a twisted us vs them view of the world.
    The scary thing about the witness organization to me is the way it acts like its own court, punishing offenses (like smoking) through humiliation and shaming, as well as the threat of shunning. The whole thing looks alot like one big guilt trip/fear motivation where the prize is glorious everlasting life and the penalty is a cold and lonely death.
    How come in the Watchtower all of the pictures of biblical events feature caucasian women with '80s style big hair, and caucasian men who have beards that wouldn't be out of place in "Monty Python's The Life of Brian"?
    If we ever do actually get visited by aliens the first thing they will say is "Oh you got Jehoves too huh?."
    I don't really see how, in this day and age, door to door JW's make sense. I don't understand what person in their right mind would invite strangers into their house (or frankly even open the door for them) just because they say they are JW's. They could just as easily be maniacs who will kill you once you let them inside.

    JW's should get with the times and start doing their thing online.


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