Hope this is not a repost. Funny comic, worth the click.
How to Suck at Your Religion
by puffthedragon 8 Replies latest jw friends
God punishes us by letting nickleback release another album. ROFL
Exactly how I feel about not pushing your religion on others.
I totally love that
still thinking
LOL...I like it!....except it is TOTALLY wrong about my religion.......but so right about everyone elses......
Definitely Like.
A Catholic response to this comic.
"Beneath all the smugness, profanity, blasphemy, and sneering hipster irony, the webcomic falters in the face of this: true, substantial, real religion. The comic can mischaracterize and distort, but in the face of actual Catholicism, it’s silent. It has no coherent or compelling answer in response to the Catholic claim. Snark simply has no retort to truth."
http ://catholicdefense.blogspot.com/2012/07/a-catholic-reply-to-how-to-suck-at-your.html
Another response:
The moment you sit down to seriously point-by-point debunk a webcomic should be the moment you reconsider if online apolegetia is really worth it.