Jackson Family Imploding

by skeeter1 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    Grandma Jacksons is MIA in Arizona, but LA Police are not allowed to see her. Reported she had a mini-stroke last week.

    Family members are trying to get temporary custody of Michael's children. Could be money involved, as only MJ's kids and the guardian of MJ's kids get money. Ripe situation for foul play.

    Which one of the siblings are/are not aligned with the JWs?


  • out4good3

    That whole family is a couple of cans short of a six pack.

    When those kids start talking.....the stories they'll tell.......

  • SophieG

    I think Rebbie is the only one who is an active JW.

  • out4good3

    Based upon a recent report I heard just yesterday, she's also the poorest.

    Only worth $250,000 in California standards.

    I suppose, as a practicing JW, that shouldn't come as a surpruse.

  • JWOP

    Mini Strokes are also known as TIA's (Trans-Ischemic Attacks). They are nowhere NEAR as bad as a "regular" stroke. Everyone survives mini-strokes, and are able to go on with their lives as normal (though likely with medications added in). If someone is hurt or disabled by a "mini stroke", then it was actually a regular stroke.

    If Katherine really had only a mini-stroke, then she isn't in danger of losing custody.

    So the question is: If she is still missing, then something else sinister is afoot.

  • Gayle

    certainly the kids would have a 'separation anxiety.' especially having lost their dad & not having a mother,,if the grandma needing a vacation, fine,,but why not even a phone call from grandma,,she should be able to handle that,,,,, quite questionable

  • wasblind

    Like I said before, I ain't no prophet

    But I'll put down a couple a bucks that Micheal's kids

    will become best sellin' author's accordin' to the New York Times

    I agree Gayle, those children are minors, they should always know how to reach her

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    If Katherine really had only a mini-stroke, then she isn't in danger of losing custody.

    More risk of losing her sanity, I'd say. Isn't she in her 80's? Imagine the responsibility of raising a few pre-teens at that point in your life.... WOW.

    if the grandma needing a vacation, fine,,but why not even a phone call from grandma,,she should be able to handle that,,,,, quite questionable

    Word I hear on the news was that her missing person report was filed by the family member who's trying to take control of the trust fund from her; other family members knew where she was, but it's odd that Paris didn't know...

    They said Grandpa had taken away Paris' iPad before, when she over-tweeted private matters. But apparently she needed it for school, so they gave it back to her: then this happened, and Paris tweeted again about Grandma missing.... Imagine that: retribution of an early teen girl who's acting out, and testing the limits of the authority figures in her life. Whoda thunk THAT would happen? :)

  • james_woods
    Grandma Jacksons is MIA in Arizona, but LA Police are not allowed to see her.

    How can they prevent the LA police from seeing her, if the cops are worried that she is missing or in danger?

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