I just could not shut up!!!!

by SophieG 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG

    I am trying to fade…but it’s hard because I want scream at all my friends: WAKE UP!!!!! THINK WITH THE BRAIN GOD GAVE YOU!!! (still working on God’s existence…)

    I just had a conversation with a JW friend. She is upset with some JWs because they are friends with a DF person on Facebook, me included. Frankly, the person has been gone for so long, I consider them a ‘worldly’ person. My friend is angry because someone went to the DF person and was asking questions about JWs and of course the DF person gives them the low down, based on the horrible things they experienced.

    So I try to get my JW friend to think critically. I asked her if the DF person should not be able to share their POV with someone just because it differs with the her JW stance? I told her, rational thought process should allow for someone to get all POVs on a subject and then let that person decide what to do. And why should she worry, if she, my friend has “the truth” then the person asking will see it clearly.

    Well ya’ll can guess what happened! My friend’s brain shut down. She said that she “will NEVER leave the org and trash it…she’s had HORRIBLE experiences and she’s still not leaving and trashing it…too many bible accounts that expose the folly of that…”

    I tried to get her to SEE that the DF person is NOT bashing Jehovah but is speaking out about her experience in the org. If you had a bad experience, are you not supposed to talk about it…?


    I wish people on the inside would not be so afraid TO THINK for themselves. Just reason things out….think with logic...but they are so controlled...now I see I would not have lasted very long. The longer I spent on my "spiritual vacation" the clearer my mind got. I wish I could take my friends and family away from all of it for ONE YEAR...I think they would see the difference and start asking the right questions....

    Thanks for letting me vent, guys!

    *Sweetly uncontrollable*

  • freeflyingfaerie


    It is like hitting your head against a brick wall to reason with a cult member...

    Even after reading such good advice from Steven Hassan (if you haven't yet hear of him, he is a cult-exit counselor..his books are therapeutic and priceless for anyone who has been in or knows some one in a high-control religion, or even relationship for that matter)...so as I was saying, lol, even after reading from his books, it's still difficult to be patient with the unreasonableness of those still in...good thing we love them!

    Taking care of your own mental and emotional, and even physical health and well-being is the best grounding you can have to deal with others that are still being immersed in the lies..

    We are all together in this~

  • Lozhasleft

    Yes I can totally relate to your frustration. Once our thinking is clear and free it's so difficult to stop ourselves trying to free everyone in the WTBS, especially ones we care about. I keep hoping and praying it will all come tumbling down.

    Loz x

  • Rocky_Girl

    She said that she “will NEVER leave the org and trash it…she’s had HORRIBLE experiences and she’s still not leaving and trashing it…too many bible accounts that expose the folly of that…”

    I would love to see the scripture that exposes the folly of speaking out against the WTS. Of course she equates the org with God, but she will never see it that way... Aren't you glad you have a place to come and vent about such frustrating conversations? Those who haven't been "in" never quite get why it bothers us so much.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Each exchange like that is a learning experience. You can't expect someone to see TTATT until they are ready. In the meantime, you have something to add to your mental inventory of this person's mental state. And it's almost impossible to have exactly the right thing in mind to roll off your tongue in any given situation. But underneath it, sometime, she may come to realize that the JW judicial procedures, DF, and DA are all based on WT procedure rather than any scriptures or logic.

    At least you can appreciate the fact that YOU are awake now.

  • SophieG

    freeflyingfaerie: Yes.OMG!!! She totally shut down! I was never like this when I was inside. I always gave other people a chance to share their POV. Maybe I was just way to liberal. And looking back I see the distinction I created for myself by being OPEN to all different thoughts.

    ..I was going to buy Steve Hassan's book today but then I realized that I can't read it openly at home around my JW soon to be ex-hubbie...ARGHHH....But if I find the PDF I can read on my iPad later...

    Lozhasleft : I feel you. I did not decide to leave because of doctrine...so I won't try that avenue with my loved ones. I just ask them to THINK about things. And I have been dropping hints about how once I learned and honed my CRITICAL THINKING PROCESS my life got even more better. You have to drop the positives about being able to use the brain to see things from different angles and the fascination behind it! I am hoping that is what will get folks to investigate....

    I feel a lot of people do THINK. I see in it my friends, but once you challenge them the brain-washing kicks in...it's FEAR!

  • SophieG

    Rocky_Girl....YEEEESSSS..... I almost dropped the phone when I saw that text!!! I was like: Does she realize how IRRATIONAL that thought is? WOW!

    Billy: First let me say... I have been reading a lot and I have read posts that you have commented on and between you an Leoliana(I may have her name wrong) my brain is fried!!!! You guys have an awesome wealth of knowledege..I feel like a JW dunce. And yes...I think have actually been slooooowly waking up from the day I got baptized 20 years ago......LOLOL!

    I had this conversation with a friend when I first got baptized( ...I was born in ...left...came back...got dunked) I asked her: What would she do if she woke up one morning and found out the WTBS was dismantled and decimated? She said: Well that would not happen because it would not have been the truth. The weird thing is, I NEVER FELT THAT WAY.

    Now I should have known THEN.....ugh...I wish someone had SLAPPED me completely awake much earlier.

    I am go glad I found you guys. Now I know I AM NOT THE CRAZY ONE!!!!

  • blondie

    I have found that it is not logic or accurate knowledge (pardon the phrase) that gets people to see...it took me several years of bad treatment in several congregations and taking responsibility for knowing what I believed. I found the Proclaimers book helpful in learning the history of the WTS, things that had not been in any other publications but that the WTS was forced to reveal due to wide access on the internet. It is good to ask questions, not questioning though, about why they believe not what.

    Remember you did not get where you are overnight, it is a process. It is not possible to take away what they feel is protecting them despite the bad connected with it. Many jws assign the bad to individuals rather than the organization. It took me 4 congregations to realize that it was the organization because it was the constant though the individuals changed.


    I too would recommend reading Steven Hassan's books.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    Sorry...tired....bumping this to read later....tired tonight......

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