Please help with letter re Child Abuse in the W.T

by Phizzy 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Phizzy

    I have decided to write a letter to the Minister of State for Children and Families , here in the U.K, (Sarah Teather M.P)

    I wish to outline the ongoing problem with the Jehovah's Witnesses here shielding paedophiles and sending them to people's doors.

    I wish the letter to be accurate 100%, to be concise and to the point, and hopefully worrying enough for the relevant Government Departments to take some action.

    I would appreciate any suggestions as to what to include, what links to add, and how to word it

    Thank you.

  • zeb

    What, where, when, who, how, and why. These are the basic blocks of any report.

    Look at the other Jw sites and copy off hard copy from them that give real specific information.If you are sending in an email do not do links. The first reader will be a hard pressed office assistant who will not have the time nor the inclination to do your links and they may not work. Your efforts will be for nought.

    So send the letter as hard copy. Look for web sites that quote detailed information such as the ones that quote the actual instructions to elders as what to do. Check for articles on the Conti case as these were very revealing. The print these out.

    Look for links that will take you to a newspaper article on further information. Print it out. Be ware of detailing the same information from ten different angles.

    Follow the KISS rule "Keep it Simple Stupid". When you have your info then write it all out not leaving anything out. You will probably still be awake at 0300.

    Leave it.

    Go over it again next day to cull it and tighten it up. Leave out the waffle that we all use in day to day speech.

    Remember all Polaticians are very busy people so send in a concise letter with references to your supporting information.

    Use a large font . In any letters to VIP I use 14. Its a hell of a lot easier to read. Use space and a half between lines.

    When you are totally sick of the whole thing go over the first points I mentioned and see if you letter covers them in sequential order.

    and may the God of the Bible of Christ bless your efforts.

  • ninja_matty69

    We once had a problem with an alleged peadiophile in the cong. I personally was not satisfied with the response i had from the elders. I believe due to his legal rights. I made an official inquiry with the police. After several discussions and interview with the police eventually nothing happened. They did not confirm he was ok or not. They (the police) took no action. Later another friend of mine made an inquiry with another police man with the same basic information. This second police man became heavily involved providing basic information that this gentleman was a serious theat to children and it needed immediate resolution. Soon thereafter bringing all the relevant authourities and agencies into play the threat was removed permanently by the authourities.

    Have a good read of the above facts (basic i know) and tell me where you think the problem was and how it could have been better dealt with. My understanding is that whilst naive the elders were not fully informed.

  • blindnomore

    Phizzy, I appreciate your effort to stop Child Abuse in the Watchtower Organization.

    I just bump the old thread on 'JW couple beats daughter to death.'(some reason it won't let me paste the link on the board). Sadly and outrageously child sexual abuse isn't the only issue on child abuse list with this orgarnization. Senseless beating is an another serious issue that rampant in the Watchtower organization.

    Oh, by the way, We have a new troll on this board. Last thing we need is another Watchtower liar.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I always face the same problem when writing about the WT abd abuse. Removing the rage in my letters and focusing on the issue requires extraordinary discipline on my part. Sometimes I ask a neutral person to read my toned-down writing and ask them to remove even more inflammatory content. I don't think the facts need to be compromised. It is hard to figure out the correct proportion passion and concern without going over the top.

    No official is going to embark on a crusade against reliigion. We are fortunate that concerned Roman Catholics have paved the way for us in raising the issue of organizational cover-up and abuse.

    Has the Sandusky scandal garnerned any press attention in Great Britain?

    Frankly, this a concern whenever I write to public officials. There is probably no right way and sending the letter is more important than fussing over its contents. Explaining the organizational structure of the Witness may be helpful. Few people know about the Witnesses, besides blood transfusions and knocking on doors.

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