It really is amazing the things that seller kenyakelly gets a hold of, a constant stream of the most rare Watchtower items.
And can anyone remember what was the significance of the different colours?
by slimboyfat 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It really is amazing the things that seller kenyakelly gets a hold of, a constant stream of the most rare Watchtower items.
And can anyone remember what was the significance of the different colours?
Holy crap did that cause a flashback haha. I know colors in other things usually signify an expired signifigance. In this case, they are listed as District convention (green) and Circuit convention (yellow)
I think the different colours were for different days. Ah the days of bacon butties and food service :-)
How did the seller arrive at the asking price of 32.99 and are the tickets still valid ??
$32.99 is a pretty good return on your money. He's just fishing for an idiot to buy the crap.
The colours were for different assemblies, so that you had to buy new tickets for the next assembly and couldn't use leftover tickets from the past one.
Wow, there's a flashback to my childhood. Just as I remember them. I think I might still have some script somewhere in my old belongings....from a time when a dime was still worth something.