the end of the satanic Watchtower is near
by cedric1er 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
no picture
Is this a true prophecy or a false prophecy?
Just had a look at the English version and yes the claw is there.
I have seen some of these weird pictures before, but certainly that is a claw not a hand. I would love to know what current JWs make of it.
Oh please
The WitchyTower,,,,,,,,,,,,,is now being hammerd on all fronts.Lost donations,false prophesies,governments investigating them all over the world for shunning,hate crimes,fraud,lieing,and now pedophile law suits by the 10s of thousands and other abuses and criminal havens and wrongful deaths law suits,plus a general loss of trust by the rank and file,and they are now forced to shut down about 50 to 100 branch offices and selling properties,elders stepping down,62% of their youths quiting the cult,and their occult connections,and their double standards about military and political and financial involvements,and their tampering with the bible itself,mixed in with their door to door self righteous ,,,,we are the only true religion,,,,attitudes,they are quickly coming to and end!Thank you Lord~!Now mix in their a bad world economy and the Jdubs having to spend lots of their own money to fund their perfect little cult,and their high pressure time management, and building quick build halls = free labor for the BORG.,to sell and make money off of them,is burning them all out,as they all get laid off from their low paying jobs,due to a lack of a good college education,their marriages are falling apart,with THE END IS HERE haunting them like ghosts,so preach,preach,preach,and give all of your money to the BORG., = pensions,houses,wills,insurance policies,money,anything that you can give to the BORG.,just give it all okay ,,,,,,,,well jdubs,,,,good luck with all of that!Hehehe lol...!Butt my good little sheeples,don't say anything against us = the BORG.,or we will fxxk you over really good!It is so refreshing in these times,to see such an honest,loving,Christian religion,practicing the 3 basic rules of Christ = love,mercy,and forgiveness?What a joke!
Two items that are not true:
- Jehovahs Witnesses
- Satan
I look forward to the time when no one believes in either of them.