I am using Reopened Mind site because we have company for the week and I can't get to my computer because it is connected to our TV. We get two mag. in the mail. One is countryside and the other is mother earth news. This Aug / Sept. issue had a very interesting article in it. "The wisdom and beauty of living frugally" When I first saw it I said great a good subject to read about. To my surprise it started with the words "60 year old 300 pound Jehovah's Winess in dark glasses. It goes on to talk about how he is very self-reliiant and is very inventive in being self-reliant. But here is the kicker. When ask why he is like this he tells the writer "The Jehovah's Witnesses encourage their members to raise and preserve their own food, and to protect the planet by using organic growing methods." The writer goes on to say "I didn't know homestead frugal self-reliance was inspired by a religion." Being in this cult for most of my life when and I do mean when were we ever taught to raise our own food and preserve it and protect the planet by using organic growing methods??? I must of missed that service meeting. I have been in 6 congregations in my life and I was usually the only one who would even have a garden let alone be self-reliant and save the world by organic growing methods. I even had one P.O. tell me it did not matter to do any of those things because Jehovah is going to take care of it so we don't have to worry about it. Has anyone else seen the article I am talking about. Talk about alot of Bull ----. Totally ADD
Hello from Totally ADD I can't get to my computer
by Reopened Mind 4 Replies latest jw friends
TotallyADD ...... hi how are you doing>
Mother Earth News is a big favorite! Can't believe a jw got in it!
No, haven't seen the new fall issue yet .... will look for it.
Maybe we could rip out those pages ... dam they pollute everything!!!!!!!!
Wow, what a load of shit. Save the planet my ass .... Jehovah will fix it! Why bother?!
Bullshit! The guy is speaking out of his belly! Nobody encouraged to do so.
TotallyADD . . . nice to hear from you. Trusting all is well with you both.
A 300 pound 60 yr old JW eh? . . . those organic vegies must be very tasty.
I was a keen organic gardner . . . used a lot of blood-and-bone fertiliser. Then I learned it was a disfellowshipping offence and that was it for organic gardening . . . I became an N-P-K man.
He strikes me as a faithful JW who religiously follows the examples of his superiors . . . and just makes shit up as he goes along.