Shocking Revealation: The Day When The Watchtower told US Government 'We Don't Care about Starvation and Hunger'
by Scott77 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The secretary of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society was grilled on this in a hearing before the US Congress at the height of the Great Depression (Courtsy of Leolaia).
MR. SIROVICH. Outside of preaching the spiritual Word of God, have you done anything for the poor devils who find themselves economically deprived of a living and in starvation and hunger, or penury and want; have you taken any of that money to help them, outside of preaching to them?
MR. GOUX. The commission that is entrusted to Jehovah's Witnesses is to bear testimony among the people as to what he will do to permanently relieve not only a few, but the people of all the earth.
THE CHAIRMAN. You can answer the question or not, can't you? Let us get on with this, because we have given 2 or 3 days to it now.
MR. GOUX. I am answering, Judge, merely to show that those who are doing this work are seeking to carry out the mission given to them.
THE CHAIRMAN. Well you do or do you not do relief work?
MR. SIROVICH. Do you do relief work in the sense that the Salvation Army does? They are preaching the Gospel of God, but bringing some tangible results to those who are suffering from a lack of the necessities of life. Are you doing that, or not?
MR. GOUX. That is not the purpose of this activity; that is not the purpose of this association.
THE CHAIRMAN. You do not do that, then?
MR. SIROVICH. You do not do it; that is all.
"Radio Broadcasting," Hearings Before the Committee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries, House of Representatives, 73rd Congress Second Session, on H.R. 7986, 1934, p. 93. PDF:
Its like according to the Watchtower of Jehovah's Witnesses, its ok for this child to die because spiritual food is more important.