just an observation

by pontoon 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • pontoon

    I see a lot of posts about lack of zeal, slacking in FS, just going through the motions...........I have really not seen that in my old congregation up to the time I stopped attending two yrs ago, but I believe that could be the exception. However, a bethel career sister and a young local brother, a MS and doing all the right things in the congregation (who I was friends with) stopped at my house, caught me up with chit chat and this young bro told me about his changing jobs because he wanted a retirement. About 38 years ago when I was his age I never believed I would need a retirement in this "old system." Definitely he did not have the sense of urgency that I had such a long time ago. What he said did not seem to phase the super spiritual bethel sister he was with. Surprised me.

  • pbrow

    pontoon..... The wife and I went up north this weekend to see some of her friends. One of her friends was raised a dub although she got out much sooner than me, i think when she was 16. It was interesting to talk with her about how when we were both young we both felt that there was no way we were going to see 20 years old. I remember making a bet with someone that we would not see our 20th birthday in this system.

    Its good to see that people are waking up even if they dont fully realize it yet.


  • pontoon

    pbrow---I was baptized in 1968. I think ones baptized in the 90's---2000's don't know the sense of urgency impressed on us pre '75 and just after. Was never super spiritual but had no doubt that the "big A" was going to hit any day, maybe today, momentarily. In fact one of the reasons I got baptised in '68 is because I believed anyone not dipped would not survive, and time is getting short. Back then a lot of what kept us in the routine was that looming sense of urgency. What urgency are Witnesses feeling today?


    I was baptized in the 80's and I agree with you pontoon, ones baptized 90's-2000's already didnt have much urgency. When I got out of high school in the 80's it there was no doubt that I as well as all of my classmates would be regular pioneering.

    Nowdays its "hmm should I go to a university or trade school?" I can always Aux. Pioneer during the summer. Gen Y and Z witnesses really had no zeal to begin with. Generally speaking of course there are exceptions to this. I really think that after the 1995 generation change coupled with the prior relaxing of higher education resulted in a generation of jw's that didn't really care.

  • pontoon

    XBEHERE.........In my old congregation with a lot of kids getting out of high school the ones that pioneered were all supported by their parents. They had no secular skills, not inclined to work minimum wage job, got cars from mommy and daddy, so pioneering was easy. Really it was more of a social thing, going out in FS with their friends and cousins they grew up and went to school with. Couple hrs. service...easy calls, not homes, return visits, riding around our huge rural territory, than off to lunch, mall, tanning saloon, gym. Easy life. Meanwhile parents are beaming that their children are pioneers.

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