nuttin' big. just a few questions

by apostate man 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    A few other questions I had.

    Do JW's hunt? My JW in-law is totally against guns and I am wandering if it is ok to hunt animals? If not, why? I know its OK for them to fish.

    Good deeds? Is it OK for a dub to help someone, a stranger, and never bring up Jehovah?

    SEX? I have heard that a dub should only have sex with his/her spouse in the traditional manner. BORING...

    Gov Job. Its OK to work for the Gov as long as you dont carry a gun or fight in the military??????? Makes no sense? No flags either??

  • YoYoMama
    Do JW's hunt?

    Not for sport.

    Is it OK for a dub to help someone, a stranger, and never bring up Jehovah?
    Sure happens all the time. I don't bring up Jehovah when I help someone out.

    have heard that a dub should only have sex with his/her spouse in the traditional manner. BORING...
    Stay tuned for an upcoming Watchtower article: "101 Approved Positions".

    Its OK to work for the Gov as long as you dont carry a gun or fight in the military???????
  • starfish422

    I disagree; my father, the presiding overseer of the congregation I was one part of, and both my brothers, hunt ducks; my brothers also hunt deer and moose.

    For info on sexual positions, go to and click on Oral Sex....try to follow the wild swings in opinion over the years but currently I think oral and anal sex are forbidden.

  • flower

    Hi Apostate Man,

    Well the YOYOentity makes the answer sound quite simple doesnt he? Actually, the answers to most of your questions have changed so much over the years that all a JW can do is give you the 'current' answer. JW's believe in "new light" which basically means that, pending negaive backlash or bad publicity, the answers to any rule or doctrine can change at any given time. If need be it can also change back to the original.

    JW's are supposed to be against guns however I know dubs who have them. My father (an elder for 40 years) has one even now.

    JWs can help someone on rare occasion without talking about Jehovah BUT as a good christian you are supposed to talk about Jehovah at every opportunity. If you were helping someone on a regular basis, this would be a perfect opportunity to do some 'informal witnessesing' and anyone who didnt take that opportunity would be a poor excuse for a witness in their eyes.

    However, to have continuous contact with an unbeliever in a non business setting is definately NOT acceptable. Even if you are helping them out you could still be affected by their evil ways. "Bad associations spoils useful habits".

    JWs used to have a hard non flexible rule that said if you and your spouse were guilty of fellatio you were to either repent and not do it anymore or be disfellowshiped. Many marriages ended and peoples lives were messed up over that issue. Now it is left up to the individual couple to decide (at least the last time i heard..who knows its been a couple weeks now).

    It used to be that you could not do ANYTHING that had ANYTHING to do with the Government. That included delivering milk to people who happened to live in a military area or doing office work at the White House. I dont know what the current stand on that is so I am taking YOYOs response as true.."new light" has come forth again.

    hope this helps.

  • VioletAnai

    I went to my first memorial in years last year and I felt like fresh yeah...I think they hunt.

    And yeah, they would have boring sex, missionary is natural....I dunno....doggy style's natural in the animal kingdom...Ok, shutting up!

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    Thank you Flower. That was a much more informative answer than YOYO.

    JW's believe in "new light" which basically means that, pending negative backlash or bad publicity, the answers to any rule or doctrine can change at any given time. If need be it can also change back to the original.

    Visit my thread on new light at
    I was hopeing to get more responses on this subject.

  • Liberty

    JWs are anti-gun and semi anti-hunting. They will use hunting rifles if the prey is eaten but claim to not be like Nimrod, a sport hunter. One of my JW relatives refused even to touch an AK-47 gasping that it was, "a weapon of war". They are also strongly discouraged by the Society from owning or using hand guns. Hunting is discouraged as well because it cuts into service time, but not outright forbidden.

    These are examples of extra-biblical rules(suggestions) JWs live under as swords(the ancient equivelent of a hand gun or assault rifle) were carried by the Apostles and hunting of any kind was never discouraged or prohibited in the Bible. No where does the Bible say one cannot be both a soldier and a Christian.


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