Lets pretend we are of the Governing Body in Brooklyn . What proposals would you put before the members . You can vote and add ammendments if you like. Even jump up and down on the table or thump it with excitement that would be fun.
Pretending to be the Governing Body
by edmond dantes 9 Replies latest jw friends
"We are freeing the Watchtower slaves and disbanding the organization."
edmond dantes
Through the chair , I will second that.
I propose that after the Sunday meeting refresments will be served while everyone mingles .Refreshments to include sandwiches tea and coffee .
I also propose that a licence to serve alcohol is applied for PDQ.
I'd force Anthony Morris III to watch my YouTube videos about him, and film his reaction for my own gratuitous pleasure!
edmond dantes
Yes great idea Cedars everyone round the table can give him a score for performance in that case.
If I was pretending to be the Governing Body, I'd be thinking:
(1) Big loss (via the Swaggart decision that WT supported) regarding sales tax on religious materials
(2) Big loss in court in Spain over "social security".
(3) Big BIG BIG loss in Candice Conti abuse case.
(I'm sure there are more.)
So...............if I was the Governing Body, I'd be thinking sbout all the times that Israel lost big battles it was because they were NOT pleasing to Jehovah -- they had apostacized from True Worship. I'd be wondering what the hell it is that WE ARE DOING WRONG to deserve Jehovah's disfavor?????
(Hey Bethel Dude who is reading this -- go tell 'em Jah's Wrath is upon them!)
I don't quite get the meaning of the question, if I am pretending I am on the governing body with my personality and attitudes, or if I am pretending to be one of those guys.
Going with the latter meaning, why I would have new light that I am God's special envoy and would need to travel with excellent accomodations and luxury living, plus God would grant me a harem of attractive women, or men, or both. This new light would be that the worldwide members would support me in such a manner, and in return I would write and speak the most inane babblespeak while they adoringly hang on my every word.
Quite a gig, huh?
rip van winkle
like KLG and Hoda- Funday Mondays, tuesday booze-days, winesday Wednesday. Thirsty Thursday. and can't remember Friday. Guess I had too many on Thirsty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't we already have enough people pretending to be the Governing Body!! lol
And look where that has got us!!
I would drop all service hour requirements and titles related to service hours. It's a personal matter between that individual and Jehovah and is a matter of conscience and part of working out your own salvation. Then I set about the arderous task of reviewing all policies and procedures and strip out any of them that have zero basis in the bible and are a fabrication of man. Jesus simply sent out his disciples by twos. They weren't called pioneers and there is no mention of any hour requirement. All congregations would be encouraged to have picnics throughout the year where applicable or fun events much like organized youth groups and so forth. Everyone would be encouraged to go to school - not to make the making of money a goal in life, but so that you standard of living is such that you have much to be thankful for and then people would have money to put in the box if they so desired. There would be one meeting a week (Sunday discourse and WT study) and informal meetings for service if any so desired, but not mandatory. (It's hard enough as it is.) And the one meeting a week mimics the reading of the law once a week to serve as a reminder. Anyone who is single and can't seem to find someone to marry could log into a website run and sponsored by the organization so that they can have help finding someone. No chaperones needed - just behave yourself and if you fornicate, you can choose to get married immediately after confession, or be DF'd until you get things sorted out. Basically it needs to be structured so you feel good in it, (not to tickle ears), but something more than rudimentary study all the time. Also, an immediate accounting of all brothers in position if a complaint is leveled against them. That's the only way you keep people in power in check is make them easy to oust. If 2 people got together and filed a complaint and signed it, that elder would be immediately removed for one year. That would encourage them to really have care and compassion and to conduct themselves humbly before others. If they knew they could get the boot over one occurance of mistreatment, they'd shape up or be ousted. I've got more ideas, but basically, I'd hate to be on the governing body. I can't stand all the negative stuff that led me to almost kill myself and take sedatives so I could go.