When JWs subdue Earth

by Derrick 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick

    YHWH has a chosen people on Earth today, regardless of whether those 6+ million souls under the auspices of the Watchtower Society are the same Jehovah's Witnesses referred to in Isaiah 43:12, "I have declared, and I have saved, and I have showed; and there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and I am God."

    The question is, are you one of God's chosen people? It may very well be that those referenced in Isaiah 43:12 are not all inclusively Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Suppose they are scattered throughout the entire world "out of every nation and of all tribes and peoples and tongues" (Rev. 7:9) and not limited to the 6+ million people affiliated with the Watchtower Society?

    The book of Revelation in chapter 7, verse 9, rules out an "organization" of people as the authentic Jehovah's Witnesses based on a simple litmus test: Ask the Governing Body how many baptized Jehovah's Witnesses exist on Earth today? If they don't give you an EXACT NUMBER (which their central computer calculates based on the number of baptism filings required from each congregation worldwide) then they will surely state a "ballpark" figure of approximately six million people.

    In sharp contrast, Revelation 7:9 refers to "a great multitude, which no man could number" -- in other words nobody is able to offer you any figure at all! Not a million or a billion souls or somewhere between; the true figure when the end of this system finally arrives could turn out to be 10; or 1,000; or 10,000,000,000. Revelation 7:9 puts an end to any speculation about exact or approximate numbers of true Jehovah's Witnesses (as identified in Isaiah 43:12).

    When asked about the number of true Jehovah's Witnesses who will survive the war of Armageddon, the Watchtower Society doesn't humbly respond to the tune of "Dunno. There's no way we can tell based on Revelation 7:9. A whole lot of religions besides ours could be amongst the survivors for all we know." Therefore the Watchtower Society unwittingly rules itself out as being the true Jehovah's Witnesses spoken about in the book of Isaiah. Rather, it is just another mainstream Christian denomination that may consist of a number of true Jehovah's Witnesses, just as many other religions (and not necessarily Christian religions) may also contain true Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Revelation 7:9 does go on to state about the demographic makeup of this unknown-numbered great crowd of Armageddon survivors that they are "out of every nation and of all tribes and peoples and tongues."

    Not only are they from every continent of Earth, but they are from "all tribes". In ancient times various "tribes" would hold a wide divergence of beliefs as we see today. The religious tribes today from Christendom to all the other religious tribes outside of Christianity all believe in God. Each religion is filled with multitudes of good hearted people whose belief in God and love for a Creator of all things, inculcated since childhood and often retractable, has placed them on many roads all leading to the same place. That place is the One and Only, True God, whom the Bible identities as YHWH and other religions identify under different Names.

    Rather than forcing billions of people who are Hindu and Buddist and other religions inculcated for generations to change from intractable beliefs by forcing them to accept the interpretation of a publishing corporation as "the truth," millions of angels are now in the process of harvesting this planet to find the meek who are heirs to the Kingdom of God.

    The True God is in the process of examining souls to gather this "great crowd" to survive. Survive what? A worldwide destruction that will be unparalleled since the dawn of human history. There is no hurry. Jehovah has patiently waited for two of His "days" or millenniums, and so what's another few more of His days if it means the salvation of those in countries such as China and India, to name but two of many?


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • Farkel

    Greetings Rick,

    : The question is, are you one of God's chosen people?

    Yes, I'm one of the chosen people. I was chosen to harrass the hell out of Jehovah's self-proclaimed chosen people until they get a clue.

    : It may very well be that those referenced in Isaiah 43:12 are not all inclusively Jehovah's Witnesses.

    It also may very be that those referenced in Isaiah 43:12 are all DEAD, having died about 2,500 years ago.


  • AGuest

    Dearest Rick, may you have peace... and may I respond to what you have stated here? Thank you.

    You said:

    The True God is in the process of examining souls to gather this "great crowd" to survive. Survive what? A worldwide destruction that will be unparalleled since the dawn of human history.
    I would like the address that, if I may, and say that you are in error in that the True God, JAH OF ARMIES, is not examining souls to 'gather' them for ANYTHING... for He has entrusted such examination... CHOOSING... and 'gathering'... to His Son, my Lord, JAHESHUAH MISCHAJAH. And... there are three (3) 'gatherings':

    The first two (2)... that of those my Lord's 'chosen ones', as WELL as that of the 'sheep'... occur... AFTER the 'great tribulation of those days':

    Matthew 24:29, 31
    Matthee 25:31, 32
    John 15:16
    Matthew 28:18

    In addition, the 'great tribulation of those days' is NOT "A worldwide destruction that will be unparalleled since the dawn of human history." While indeed it is a TRIBULATION that has not occured, no, nor will occur again, it does not result in destruction as you have stated, as:

    1. The Son of Man arrives AFTER it and gathers his chosen ones;

    Matthew 24:29-31

    2. There are those that COME OUT OF... the great tribulation and if the world was destroyed that would be impossible...

    Revelation 7:14

    3. Both the sheep AND the goats are still alive after it...

    Matthew 24:31-46

    The DESTRUCTION that you speak of... which is known as "Armageddon" is NOT the 'great tribulation', but that which occurs when 'fire comes down out of heaven'. THAT is the War of God, occurring at the 'place' to which my brother's enemies have been 'gathered'... which in Hebrew is called "Har-Maggedon" or the plain of Meggido...or 'place of destruction'. It is THEN that fire comes down out of heaven and 'devours' Gog and Magog... and thus CLEANSES 'the heavens and the earth' (the physical realm AND the spiritual realm)... that... which is NOW and is 'stored up for fire'. But, again... THAT... does not occur until the END of the 1,000 years.

    Revelation 20:7-9 (Notice how verse 7 says "AFTER the thousand years have ended" and "to gather them together for the war.")

    Rick, I BEG of you... return to One who purchased you. Look to the ROCK from which YOU were 'hewn'... and do NOT put your trust in earthling man... to whom NO salvation belongs.

    Your servant, as I am a servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ,


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Jesus speaking to apostles.
    Acts 1:7-8
    "It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jersusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, even to the remotest part of the earth."

    4:10..let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, ....
    11He is the stone...
    12 And there is salvation in no one else; for their is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.

    More "witness" quotes
    Acts 13:31...the very ones who are now His (Jesus) witnesses to the people. 32"And we preach to you the GOOD NEWS of the promise made to the fathers, 33 that God has FULFILLED this promise to our children in that He raised up Jesus...

  • Michael3000

    Here ya go, Derrick, Ol Boy.


    "Any day spent NOT knocking on doors is a good day!"

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