canada bethel laying off ppl in shipping

by jnrtigbfxd0 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • jnrtigbfxd0

    so when the mags for north america + carribbean were to be printed in canada, canada bethel (aka georgetown) sent out notices to all disctrict conventions in 2008 that they need lots of help. i think the bethel family increased to over 400 with at least 50 new guys just for shipping.

    however, now that the mags are only 16 pages, lots of those new guys are being layed off. the double shift (6-2,2-11) is now being combined into one shift (8-4/5 i guess). i would assume some office staff would also be let go, dunno for sure though. just thought id let you all know. heard this through grapevine, but makes sense.

  • ziddina

    I wonder if they were honest with those brothers when they first took them on...

    Did they say that the employment was probably going to be temporary - and by that I DON'T mean, "gee, Armageddon might come and end your employment"...

  • moshe

    The WT will be doing them a favor- maybe they can get on with a real life--

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    And if their monthly campaigns are going to be tracts, they may as well have the individual congregations get laser printers and reduce WT printing expenses even more.

  • slimboyfat

    I have a laser printer already, that's me ahead of the Theocratic curve once again.

  • Quarterback

    What ....there goes my career dreams of serving in Bethel, again.

  • Aware!

    I've wanted to apply to Bethel just for the lolz.

    Quarterback, are you joking?

  • Quarterback

    Im too old, Aware...they would never hire me.

  • finallysomepride

    so it won't to much time in the future when the Canadian branch closes too, like NZ, & all is run from a 3rd world country

  • hoser

    Just like this printer is laying off staff.

    The printing business is a sunset industry


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